This site has been updated to reflect the University Academic Calendar for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.
16.1 Anthropology
In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, contact the Head of the Department.
Students should note that credit may not be obtained for an Archaeology course if, prior to 2007, the student received credit for that course when it was designated as an Anthropology course.
A tentative list of upcoming Anthropology course offerings can be found at
Anthropology courses are designated by ANTH.
ANTH 1031 Introduction to Anthropology
provides an overview of the field of social and cultural anthropology. It covers key anthropological concepts used to study issues such as inequality, social justice, the environment, work, politics and law, family, identity, gender and sexuality, ethnicity, spirituality, and communication. An emphasis is placed on human diversity, international examples, and processes of globalization. This course is suitable for students in all disciplines.
ANTH 2260 War and Aggression
is a critical review of ethological, psychological and sociological approaches to the understanding of violence and organized aggression.
the former Sociology/Anthropology 2260, the former Sociology 2260
ANTH 2350 Religious Institutions
is a contextual study of religious institutions and beliefs, calendrical feasts and solemnities, religious roles and hierarchies, ritual innovation and revitalization.
the former Sociology/Anthropology 2350, the former Sociology 2350
Religious Studies 2350
ANTH 2409 Critical Reading and Writing: Classics in Anthropology
examines selected milestone books and essays in sociocultural anthropology. Assignments and presentations based on attentive reading of classic anthropology texts will help students develop and refine their critical reading and writing skills. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at
Anthropology 2410
ANTH 2410 Classics in Anthropology
is an examination of selected milestone monographs, ground-breaking studies for subdisciplinary specialties, and major syntheses.
Anthropology 2409
ANTH 2411 Anthropologists in the Field
combines a firsthand introduction to ethnographic research and writing with an exploration of how anthropological understanding develops through the experiences and human relationships of anthropologists in the field.
ANTH 2412 Discourses of Endangerment
gives students the conceptual and methodological tools to evaluate discourses of language and other forms of endangerment that trade in racist and colonial stereotypes such as "threatened peoples". We examine the cultural, economic, and political determinants of endangerment, including legacies of colonialism, ethnolinguistic nationalism, and globalization. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 2413 Culture, Society and Globalization
explores the way in which social, cultural, economic and political interconnections at the global level interact with local social and cultural processes. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 2414 Critical Indigenous Studies
introduces key debates in Critical Indigenous Studies, asking what it means to identify as 'Indigenous' in a settler-colonial society like Canada; explores how the colonial experiences of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit differ from other Indigenous Peoples; and critically introduces major topics and issues facing the Indigenous communities of Turtle Island ('North America') through deep engagement with Indigenous scholarship. Special emphasis is placed on Indigenous knowledge and methodologies as an alternative to dominant settler worldviews.
the former ANTH 3281
ANTH 2415 Anthropology of Food
explores how cultural identities, social relationships, and inequalities are linked to the production, exchange, and consumption of food.
ANTH 2416 Cultural Formations
explores the symbolic formations that humans create in order to give meaning to their lives. Some of the cultural formations that will be studied include specific examples from the realms of religion, play, sports, art, and commonplace material objects.
ANTH 2417 The City
examines urban life across space and time. Drawing from a variety of ethnographic contexts and theorizations of the city, we will explore the diverse ways in which people inhabit, experience, engage with, and imagine urban environments. Students will critically engage with a broad range of subjects, including how the built environment relates to social inequality, and more broadly what constitutes a city in the context of global flows and networks.
the former Sociology 2280, the former Anthropology 2280
ANTH 3050 Ecology and Culture
reviews the co-evolution of the fields of ecology and anthropology since the late 19th century and examines the variety of contemporary perspectives on the interconnection between social and ecological systems.
ANTH 3053 Anthropology of Religion
is a critical evaluation of anthropological research on religion, centering on seminal thinkers and major theoretical traditions. Special attention is given to the study of belief systems, and to relationships between belief and ritual.
Religious Studies 3053
ANTH 3054 Play, Games and Sport
is an examination of the phenomenon of play in a variety of human cultures, and in such forms of activity as religion, politics, festival, speech, performance, and artistic creation. Principal themes are the functional role of play in social relations, and the meaningful role of play in social thought.
ANTH 3058 Urban Anthropology
is an examination of anthropological studies of urban populations and population segments, such as ethnic groups and categories, occupations, neighbourhoods, etc.
ANTH 3060 The Idea of Culture
is the history of ideas, dealing with the emergence of this key anthropological concept, the meanings it has acquired, its broader implications, and major critiques of its use in the social sciences.
ANTH 3061 Culture and Social Inequality
examines the role of culture in mediating different forms of social inequality, exploring the idea that culture is not only a way of life but also a way of managing power among unequals, from individuals to social classes. Readings in the course concentrate on cultural techniques of social control.
ANTH 3062 Anthropology and Social Policy
approaches social policy anthropologically, with a view to defamiliarizing an organizing principle of contemporary societies that is often taken for granted. Following an introduction to the anthropology of policy subfield, the class will use case studies to explore how policy relates to power and ideology; and consider what anthropology can contribute to policy studies.
ANTH 3063 The Politics of Ethnicity and Multiculturalism
examines anthropological approaches and contributions to debates about ethnicity and multiculturalism.
ANTH 3070 Indigenous Self-Governance
examines contemporary Issues on the development of, and barriers to, self-government among Canadian Indigenous peoples. The focus will be on topics such as land claims and claims settlements, self-government agreements and proposed agreements, economic development, environmental and social Impact of Industrial developments, and cultural and religious revival.
the former ANTH 4070
ANTH 3073 Imaginary Worlds
explores the anthropology of imaginary worlds, including those created through pseudo-history, on-line gaming, science fiction and fantasy literature, and film. Particular examples will be examined in terms of the ways that social stratification, gender, ethnicity, race, and cultural beliefs become constructed inside of these imaginary worlds.
ANTH 3082 Banditry, Rebellion, and Social Revolution
examines types of social conflict specific to different kinds of class-based society, including social banditry, primitive rebellions, and peasant revolutions. More generally, social conflict is used to explore the variety of ways that pre-industrial societies have been made part of the modern world economy.
ANTH 3083 Global Environmental Crises
examines the social, cultural, and economic forces that have contributed to rapid resource depletion and other environmental changes from the 20th century to present, and looks at how the impacts of these changes have been experienced around the world. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 3100 Dominance and Power
is a study of dominance behaviour in human societies, surveying the range from private to public and from openly exploitative to fully legitimate power systems.
the former Sociology/Anthropology 3100, the former Sociology 3100
ANTH 3200 Anthropology of the Global Economy
explores the way in which anthropologists have studied the inter-linkages among economic, social and cultural processes. Topics covered include key concepts (e.g., gifts and commodities, exchange relationships) and debates (e.g., formalist versus substantivist) in economic anthropology, and the way in which different societies and social groups are integrated within global capitalist markets. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 3240 Social Life of Stories in Indigenous Canada
introduces students to a diversity of oral traditions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. Students will learn to engage with stories to understand the different ways knowledge can be passed from generation to generation: how oral traditions challenge Western understandings of authenticity and authorship, evidentiality and truth, materiality and spirituality, and the past and the present.
ANTH 3241 Regional Studies: The Atlantic
is selected topics in the ecological, cultural, economic, social and political characteristics of the North Atlantic Region.
ANTH 3254-3257 Regional Studies
are interdisciplinary approaches to the study of selected regions.
the former Sociology/Anthropology 3254-3257 and the former Sociology 3254-3257
ANTH 3260 International Development
is an examination of theories of development including a critical analysis of international case studies. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
the former Sociology/Anthropology 3260
Sociology 3260
ANTH 3280 The Arctic
studies cultural, ecologic, economic and social systems in the northern circumpolar regions.
ANTH 3300 Fieldwork Methods
focuses on the process of anthropological fieldwork. Readings, discussions and evaluations will examine a range of issues and concepts that include observation techniques, interviewing, ethical issues, and the interpretation of data. Students will conduct original fieldwork to learn how to apply some of these skills.
ANTH 3403 The Anthropology of Travel and Tourism
is an exploration of the anthropological study of travel and tourism. Students will learn how to critically evaluate this global industry and consider the role that it plays in the formation of contemporary human identity.
ANTH 3404 Visual Anthropology
explores the use of documentary film, photography, and new digital media in anthropological fieldwork. It also teaches students how anthropologists study visual media such as television, newspapers, popular films, social networking sites, web sites, and photography collections.
ANTH 3406 The Anthropology of Ritual
examines a range of theoretical perspectives, case studies and individual theorists in the study of ritual.
ANTH 3407 Medical Anthropology
focuses on a range of issues including illness, disease and healing, sexuality and reproduction, pandemics and epidemics, medical technology and bioethics.
ANTH 3408 Engaged Anthropology
is a seminar course exploring debates about the potential - and potential pitfalls - of a variety of approaches to publicly engaged anthropology.
ANTH 3409 War and Globalization
examines selected wars of the late 20th and 21st centuries to understand how war, political violence and the repartitioning of the world have become intrinsic features of the current era of globalization. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 3410 Classic Theory in Anthropology
follows a historical approach to understanding some of the key theoretical trends in anthropology since the inception of the discipline.
the former ANTH 4410
ANTH 3411 Anthropology of Foraging
deals with societies heavily reliant on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild foods. Industrial and post-industrial settings in which various forms of foraging (including recycling) are the basis for some people’s livelihood will also be considered.
ANTH 3421-3430 Anthropological Specialties
will have a topic of current interest and importance announced by the Department for each term.
ANTH 3452 Fisheries, Aquaculture, and the Global Commodity
explores social and environmental tensions related to the increasing commodification and financialization of fisheries around the world. Topics include the changing roles of fisheries and aquaculture in global and local economic and food systems; the impact of fisheries privatization and restructuring on coastal communities; environmental crises related to fisheries and aquaculture; and ways that science and technology have constructed and transformed both fish and aquatic environments. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 3630 New Media Methods in Social Research
will explore non-print means for recording social behaviour and will utilize various forms of the media as a descriptive and an analytic tool.
Sociology 3630, the former Sociology/Anthropology 3630
ANTH 4030 Ethnography, Law, and Policy
examines the potential for anthropologists to elucidate and contribute to legal and policy processes ranging from human rights instruments and foreign policy to “mundane” institutional arrangements. Special attention will be given to the potential benefits and limits of using ethnography and para-ethnography to study and engage with policy and law.
ANTH 4071 Social and Cultural Aspects of Health and Illness
will cover topics which may include: cultural concepts of illness and health; theories of disease causation; relationships between social life and illness patterns; symbiotic use of illness; variations in philosophies of treatment and in practitioner/patient relationships; the social organization of medicine.
the former Sociology/Anthropology 4071
Sociology 4071
ANTH 4072 Social and Cultural Aspects of Death
covers topics which may include: symbolic meanings and values attached to death; cultural and historical variations in the management of death, e.g. treatment of the 'terminally ill', burial rites, the mourning process, and the social fate of survivors, together with the social and psychological meanings of these behaviours. Open to those without normal prerequisites by permission of the Instructor.
the former Sociology/Anthropology 4072, the former Sociology 4072
ANTH 4073 Studies in Underclass Life
is a critical inquiry into the social sources of human misery and suffering that characterize life in the underclass.
the former Sociology/Anthropology 4073, the former Sociology 4073
ANTH 4089 Language in Social Life
examines the constitutive role of language in the formation of social categories and institutions. Through critical analysis of communication, students will investigate how personhood, identity, community, difference, space and time, meaning and organization of social life are made and unmade.
ANTH 4201 Current Debates in the Anthropology of Ireland
explores selected current debates in the anthropology of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Seminars centre on the critical reading of recent ethnographic studies. The course considers Ireland, north and south, as a changing scene, assesses the current state of Irish ethnography and considers how the field might develop.
ANTH 4202-4209 Special Areas in Anthropology
is a series of individual or small group tutorials and reading courses on topics of special or current interest.
ANTH 4280 Advanced Newfoundland and Labrador Ethnography
surveys the ethnographic literature on Newfoundland and Labrador, past and present, with special emphasis on ecological adaptation, interpersonal relations, class formation, patronage, brokerage, clientship, state formation, and modernization.
ANTH 4412 Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
is an evaluation of current approaches to culture and power through a focus on critical issues and major schools of contemporary thought influencing Anthropology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Emphasis is placed on major works, paradigms and individual theorists.
ANTH 4415 Labour and Global Capitalism
examines core issues and problems entailed in the anthropological analysis of work and labour in the context of the global economy. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 4416 Anthropology of Slums
examines social class forces producing a planet of slums, and details ways that everyday forms of violence, social injustice, and poverty take social shape in the everyday lives of slum dwellers. Among the topics covered are: social class formations, including ghettos, favelas, and shanty towns; surplus populations and disposable peoples resulting from late capitalist globalization; and forms of resistance and struggle that arise within dispossessed populations. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at
ANTH 4417 Anthropology of Sound
examines how ethnographers do comparative research on the everyday sounds found in people’s daily environments, including music and new media products.
ANTH 4418 Marx and Social Inquiry
examines the uses of Marx’s later writings, especially Capital, in current American Anthropology. The primary focus is on the agenda-setting works of Eric Wolf and David Harvey. Topics include: capital accumulation and the making of localities; primitive accumulation and class formation; uneven global development; crises of capitalism and crises of social reproduction; capitalist globalization and disposable surplus populations.
ANTH 4422 Writing Anthropology
asks what it means to write compelling anthropology. Open to senior students in any program, the seminar proceeds through attentive reading of sample ethnographic books and articles, anthropological essays, and experimental anthropological writing. In addition to interpretation and analysis, students will be given opportunities to try their own hands at writing anthropology.
ANTH 4450 Anthropology of Space and Place
offers an overview of anthropological approaches to space and place with an emphasis on the representations of physical and cultural landscapes and their meanings for humans. It also explores the spatial dimensions of culture and the cultural meanings of space and place.
ANTH 4994 Honours Essay I
prepares students for the Honours Essay by helping them refine their research topics; providing them with independent research and writing skills; and offering a structured context in which to conduct the preliminary stages of Honours Essay research and writing.
AN = Additional notes. AR = Attendance requirement as noted. CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours. CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described. CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent. Credit is limited to one of these courses. Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination. Credit is limited to one of these courses. These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. |
LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted. LH = Laboratory hours per week. OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars. PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described. UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted. |
The information on this site has been extracted from the Official 2024-2025 University Calendar. While every reasonable effort has been made to duplicate the information contained in the official University Calendar, if there are differences, the official Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar will be considered the final and accurate authority.
Copyright © 2024 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.