13.2 Program of Study
Students for the Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literatures and Cultures) may choose one of two program options:
Option I. Project Route
Option II. Comprehensive Course Route
All students shall be required to complete:
French 6800 Littératures francophones: Théorie et pratique/Francophone literatures: Theory and practice
French 6810 Cultures francophones: Théorie et pratique/Francophone Cultures: Theory and practice
Education 6100 Research Designs and Methods in Education
Six credit hours from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures graduate course offerings as deemed appropriate by the Administrative Committee.
Nine credit hours selected from:
Education 6668 Current Issues in Second Language Education
Education 6669 Graduate Seminar in Second Language Teaching and Learning
Education 6673 Second Language Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Education 6674 Research in Second Language
Three credit hours from other Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Education graduate course offerings as deemed appropriate by the Administrative Committee.
Students choosing Option I must also complete:
Education 6392 Project in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies
Students choosing Option II must also complete:
Three credit hours from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures graduate course offerings as deemed appropriate for each student’s program by the Administrative Committee.
Education 6390 Research and Development Seminar in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies
Programme d’études
Les candidats à la Maîtrise ès Arts et Éducation (Enseignement des littératures et cultures francophones) choisira l’une ou l’autre des deux options suivantes:
1re option Programme menant au projet terminal
2e option Programme entièrement composé de cours
Tous les candidats devront compléter:
French 6800 Littératures francophones: Théorie et pratique
French 6810 Cultures francophones: Théorie et pratique
Education 6100 Research Designs and Methods in Education
Six heures crédits de cours de deuxième cycle du Département d’études françaises et hispaniques jugés appropriés par le Comité administratif.
Neuf heures crédits parmi:
Education 6668 Current Issues in Second Language Education
Education 6669 Graduate Seminar in Second Language Teaching and Learning
Education 6673 Second Language Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Education 6674 Research in Second Language
Trois heures crédits de cours de la Faculté d'Éducation jugés appropriés par le Comité administratif.
L’étudiant ayant choisi la 1re option devra compléter:
Education 6392: Project in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies
L’étudiant ayant choisi la 2e option devra compléter:
Trois heures crédits de cours de deuxième cycle du Département d’études françaises et hispaniques jugés appropriés pour le programme de l’étudiant.
Education 6390 Research and Development in Teaching and Learning Studies
The information on this site has been extracted from the Official 2024-2025 University Calendar. While every reasonable effort has been made to duplicate the information contained in the official University Calendar, if there are differences, the official Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar will be considered the final and accurate authority.
Copyright © 2024 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.