42.6 Period of Study

For students admitted to the program under Plan of Study above:

  1. For part-time students, the program is designed to permit completion of all degree requirements within three academic years (nine semesters) or two academic years (six semesters). The following is a sample program of study for nine semesters:

    • Fall Semester:
      • SCWK 6012 in Year 1
      • SCWK 6000, 6013, 6313, 6315 or 6413 in Year 2
      • SCWK 6000, 6013, 6313, 6315 or 6413 in Year 3
    • Winter Semester:
      • SCWK 6013, 6014, 6313, 6314, or 6413 in Year 1
      • SCWK 6000, 6013, 6014, 6313, 6314, or 6413 in Year 2
      • SCWK 6000, 6013, 6014, 6313, 6314, or 6413 in Year 3
    • Spring Semester:
      • SCWK 6014, 6314 or 6315 in Year 1
      • SCWK 6000, 6014, 6314 or 6315 in Year 2
      • SCWK 6917 (Field Practicum) may be completed in Fall/Winter/Spring of Year 3 SCWK 6417 (Pathway Scholarship) is the final requirement to be completed and may be completed in the same semester as SCWK 6917 (Field Practicum). Students are required to register for SCWK 6000 concurrently with SCWK 6917 and 6417.
  2. For full-time students, course route, the program is designed to permit completion of all degree requirements within one academic year (three semesters), as follows:

    • Fall Semester:
      • SCWK 6000, 6012, 6313 (Institute) and 6413. Thesis students are required to complete 6313 and only one of the two institute courses 6314 or 6315
    • Winter Semester:
      • SCWK 6000, 6013, 6014, and 6314 (institute)
    • Spring Semester:
      • SCWK 6000, 6315 (Institute), 6417 (pathway scholarship), and 6917 (Field Practicum)
  3. For full-time students, thesis route, the program is designed to permit completion of all degree requirements within one academic year (three semesters), as follows:

    • Fall Semester:
      • SCWK 6000, 6012, 6313 (Institute) and 6413
    • Winter Semester:
      • SCWK 6000, 6013, 6014, 6314 (Institute). Thesis students are required to complete 6313 and only one of the two institute courses 6314 or 6315
    • Spring Semester:
      • SCWK 6000, 6315, 6917 (Field Practicum), thesis. Thesis students are required to complete 6313 and only one of the two institute courses 6314 or 6315

The information on this site has been extracted from the Official 2024-2025 University Calendar. While every reasonable effort has been made to duplicate the information contained in the official University Calendar, if there are differences, the official Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar will be considered the final and accurate authority.

Copyright © 2024 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.