44.34 Physics and Physical Oceanography
The following Departmental Regulations are supplementary to the General Regulations governing Ph.D. degrees.
The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is offered in Physical Oceanography and in Physics. The Department also participates in the interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs in Environmental Science, in Scientific Computing, and in Theoretical Physics.
For Geophysics, see Earth Sciences.
44.34.1 Program of Study
Course Requirements for the Ph.D. Degree in Physical Oceanography
Course requirements shall normally include a minimum of 9 graduate credit hours. At least 6 of these credit hours shall be selected from courses numbered 6300-6399 in Courses below. For students who have transferred from the M. Sc. degree program in Physical Oceanography (as outlined under the School of Graduate studies General Regulations, Ph.D. and Psy.D. Programs), a minimum of 15 credit hours are required (including courses completed while enrolled in the M.Sc. program), of which at least 12 shall be selected from courses numbered 6300-6399 in Courses below.
In exceptional circumstances, modifications to these course requirements can be approved by the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee.
Course Requirements for the Ph. D. Degree in Physics
Course requirements shall normally include a minimum of 9 graduate credit hours. At least 6 of these credit hours shall be selected from Courses below. For students who have transferred from the M. Sc. degree program in Physics (as outlined under the School of Graduate studies General Regulations, Ph.D. and Psy.D. Programs), a minimum of 15 credit hours are required (including courses completed while enrolled in the M.Sc. program), of which at least 12 shall be selected from Courses below.
In exceptional circumstances, modifications to these course requirements can be approved by the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee.
Comprehensive Examination
The Comprehensive Examination, (as prescribed under General Regulations, Ph.D. and Psy.D. Comprehensive Examination), shall be an oral one, and will include the presentation of a written research proposal.
The Ph.D. degree program will conclude with the submission of a thesis based on original research and an oral defense of the thesis, as prescribed in General Regulations, Theses and Reports.
44.34.2 Courses
A selection of the following graduate courses will be offered to meet the requirements of students, as far as the resources of the Department will allow.
- 6000 Condensed Matter Physics I
- 6001 Condensed Matter Physics II
- 6002 Superconductivity
- 6003 Path Integral Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics
- 6010-6019 Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics
- 6040 Biophysics
- 6060-6069 Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Areas
- 6200 Nonlinear Dynamics
- 6308 Ocean Dynamics I
- 6309 Ocean Dynamics II
- 6310 Physical Oceanography
- 6313 Physical Fluid Dynamics
- 6314 Field Oceanography
- 6315 Polar Oceanography
- 6316 Ocean Measurements and Data Analysis
- 6317 Ocean Acoustics
- 6318 Numerical Modelling
- 6319 Climate Dynamics
- 6320 Turbulence
- 6321 Coastal Oceanography
- 6322 Stratified Fluids
- 6323 Stability Theory
- 6324 Models in Ocean Ecology
- 6360-6369 (excluding 6363) Special Topics in Physical Oceanography
- 6363 Laboratory Experiments in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- 6400 Statistical Mechanics
- 6402 Theory of Phase Transitions
- 6403 Stochastic Processes, Time-Dependent and NonEquilibrium Statistical Mechanics
- 6413 Soft Matter Physics
- 6502 Electrodynamics
- 6722 Light Scattering Spectroscopy
- 6760-69 Special Topics in Atomic and Molecular Physics
- 6800 Group Theory
- 6810-19 Special Topics in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- 6850 Quantum Mechanics I
- 6851 Quantum Mechanics II
- 6852 Quantum Information and Computing (cross-listed with Mathematics 6252)
- 6900 Techniques in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
- 6910-6919 Special Topics in Experimental and Applied Physics
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.