32 Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Science
The degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) is offered at present in Aquaculture, Biochemistry, Biology, Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences, Chemistry, Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology, Computer Science, Earth Sciences (Geology), Earth Sciences (Geophysics), Environmental Science, Experimental Psychology, Fisheries Science, Food Science, Geography, Marine Biology, Mathematics, Physical Oceanography, Physics, Scientific Computing, Scientific Computing (Co-operative), and Statistics. Interdisciplinary studies are encouraged; applicants should consult the academic unit concerned.
The information on this site has been extracted from the Official 2024-2025 University Calendar. While every reasonable effort has been made to duplicate the information contained in the official University Calendar, if there are differences, the official Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar will be considered the final and accurate authority.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.