13.15 French
Three consecutive credit courses in French language are available at the first-year university level, providing a complete overview of basic oral and written French. New students may choose to register initially in French 1500 or 1501; a diagnostic test is offered to assist students with initial course selection or to confirm that initial course selection is appropriate. Students with a limited background in French should register for French 1500 and continue with 1501. Students with a strong background in high-school French should bypass 1500 and begin their university study with 1501, especially if they intend to proceed beyond the first-year level. Very well prepared students may apply to the School for permission to enter 1502 directly. Bypassing one or more of these courses may enable students to include a larger number of advanced electives in their degree program. French 1500, 1501 and 1502 require three hours of instruction per week and two additional hours of language laboratory work or conversation class, or both.
French courses are designated by FREN.
FREN 1500 Introduction à la langue française, niveau universitaire I
cours pour débutants et pour ceux don't les connaissances du français sont très faibles. La permission de s'inscrire à ce cours ne sera pas accordée à ceux qui ont complété le Francais 3202 (Immersion française au High School). Voir ci-dessus la note.
FREN 1500 Introductory University French I
is a course for beginners and for students whose background in French is very weak. Permission to register for this course will not be given to students who have completed Français 3202 (High School French immersion). See Note above.
FREN 1501 Introduction à la langue française, niveau universitaire II
Voir ci-dessus la note.
FREN 1501 Introductory University French II
See Note above.
FREN 1502 Introduction à la langue française, niveau universitaire III
Voir ci-dessus la note.
FREN 1502 Introductory University French III
See Note above.
FREN 2101 Français intermédiaire II
continuation du travail de rédaction, de grammaire et de communication orale.
FREN 2101 Intermediate French II
is further work in composition, grammar and oral skills.
FREN 2300 Phonétique
introduction pratique à la phonétique du français. Emploi des symboles de l'alphabet phonétique, transcription phonétique et phonétique corrective.
FREN 2300 Phonetics
is a practical introduction to French phonetics, including the International Phonetic Alphabet and phonetic transcription as well as corrective phonetics.
FREN 2601 Apprentissage de la lecture
les étudiants exploreront des stratégies de lecture qui faciliteront la compréhension de textes divers. Ce cours sera normalement enseigné en français.
FREN 2601 Reading Skills
will explore reading strategies in a variety of texts in French. This course will normally be taught in French.
FREN 2602 Lecture de textes intégraux
les étudiants exploreront des stratégies de lecture qui faciliteront la compréhension de textes intégraux. Ce cours sera normalement enseigné en français.
FREN 2602 Reading Complete Texts
will explore reading strategies in a variety of complete texts in French. This course will normally be taught in French.
FREN 2900 A Survey of Francophone Cultures
places emphasis on oral comprehension and expression. This course is a prerequisite for FREN 3650-3651-3653.
FREN 2900 Survol des cultures francophones
met l'accent mis sur la compréhension et l'expression orales.
FREN 3100 Grammaire et analyse de textes
révision des catégories nominale et verbale du français (morphologie, nombre, genre, temps, aspect, mode, voix). Analyse grammaticale et stylistique des textes avec un accent particulier sur l'emploi du verbe en français. Travaux d'expansion lexicale.
FREN 3100 Grammar and Textual Analysis
is revision of the French noun and verb systems (morphology, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, voice). Grammatical and stylistic textual analysis with special emphasis on the use of verbs in French. Vocabulary enrichment.
FREN 3101 Stylistique et analyse de textes
rôle et fonction des parties du discours; exploitation sémantique (synonymie, polysémie); tropes et figures de style. Analyse grammaticale et stylistique de textes avec un accent particulier sur ces phénomènes. Travaux d'expansion lexicale.
FREN 3101 Stylistics and textual analysis
is role and function of the parts of speech in French; semantic enrichment (synonymy, polysemy); tropes and figures of speech. Grammatical and stylistic textual analysis with special emphasis on these phenomena. Vocabulary enrichment.
AN = Additional notes. AR = Attendance requirement as noted. CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours. CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described. CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent. Credit is limited to one of these courses. Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination. Credit is limited to one of these courses. These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. |
LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted. LH = Laboratory hours per week. OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars. PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described. UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted. |
The information on this site has been extracted from the Official 2024-2025 University Calendar. While every reasonable effort has been made to duplicate the information contained in the official University Calendar, if there are differences, the official Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar will be considered the final and accurate authority.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.