Faculty A-Z

Shakti Chandra

Professor Emerita MBBS New Delhi

709 864 2888


Rm: H2765


I am passionate about teaching. Teaching, researching, dissecting and making videos gives me great satisfaction because I feel that my teaching contributes to the making of future physicians. I strive to go a step ahead and make a difference in their lives.
Since 1974 I have taught anatomy (gross/macroscopic) to medical students and residents (doing electives). I feel proud of having received teaching awards – Teacher of the Year (2011 and 1996) and Excellence in Teaching 2013.
Outreach Education:
Through the Anatomy Outreach Program I have taken anatomy to the general public showing people what they're made off and encouraging them to look after themselves better, emphasizing that the most amazing thing in the world is the human body.

I spent two of my three sabbaticals dissecting, documenting and plastinating specimens for our teaching program. My recent work at Dr. von Hagen’s Plastinarium in Guben, Germany and bringing back plastinated specimens including whole bodies has not only fulfilled my dream but will be a tremendous asset to the Faculty of Medicine and the province for years to come. These specimens will last for many years. Here, the dead are teaching the living!
Between 2013 and 2016 I produced 25 educational videos using the plastinated specimens that I created. The videos are in high definition and vary in length from 10 – 45 minutes
New series of Anatomy Videos (YouTube)

Videos appropriate for lay people
The Incredible Human Body https://www.youtube.com/watch

Mini Med School https://www.youtube.com/watch

Inflation and Deflation of the Lungs https://www.youtube.com/watch

Chandra’s Essential Anatomy Series on YouTube

Introduction http://www.youtube.com/watch

Innervation of the Upper Limb http://www.youtube.com/watch

Innervation of the Lower Limb http://www.youtube.com/watch

Muscles of the Lower Limb http://www.youtube.com/watch

Muscles of the Upper Limb http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Thoracic and Abdominal Viscera http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Thoracic Cavity http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Lungs http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Male Urogenital System http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Female Urogenital System http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Abdominal Wall http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Abdominal Viscera http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Shoulder http://www.youtube.com/watch

The Knee http://www.youtube.com/watch

Crainal Nerves Overview https://www.youtube.com/watch

Male Urethra, Vas Deferens and Ejaculatory Duct https://www.youtube.com/watch

Trigeminal Nerve https://www.youtube.com/watch

Anatomical Terminology https://www.youtube.com/watch
Heart and Pericardium https://www.youtube.com/watch

Recent News articles

Dr. Shakti Chandra answers The Telegram's 20 Questions
A lasting legacy in anatomy

Other Anatomy presentations

Anatomy Online Image Collection

A Series of Videos Authored by Dr. Shakti Chandra

You Are What You Eat poster (pdf)
Smokers Lungs poster (pdf)
Body Works - Specimens on Display (ppt)
Body Works - What, Why and Anatomy Trivia (ppt)
Body Works - Specimen Creation (ppt)
Body Works Exhibit (pdf)
Plastination - The Process (pdf)