Board of Directors
Composition of the Board:
BioMedical Sciences: Two Representatives, three year term - Elected by Division
Clinical Sciences: Two Representatives, three year term - Elected by Division
Population Health and Applied Health Sciences: Two Representatives, three year term - Elected by Division
External to the University: Two representatives appointed by the Dean
The Chairperson will be appointed from within the membership of the Board by the Dean.
The Vice-Chairperson and Secretary will be elected by the Board from within the membership.
The terms of office of these officers shall be two years, renewable.
Ex-officio Members:
Dean, Faculty of Medicine
Vice Dean, Professional Development
Associate Dean, BioMedical Sciences
Associate Dean, Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies (Medicine)
COO, Faculty of Medicine
Director, Office of Alumni Affairs and Development
President, Medical Students’ Society
President, Medical Graduate Students' Society
Other members to a maximum of three as deemed appropriate may be appointed by the Dean in consultation with the Board of Directors.