Elective Requirements

The following requirements are for current residents of Canadian Faculties of Medicine.

Residents in the country on a work permit must submit their permit proving they are eligible to work in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Residents outside of Canada must have Canadian citizenship, or permanent resident status, and may be required to meet the same eligibility as IMGs applying through the CaRMS match.

Please submit the following to the Postgraduate Medical Education office:

  • a completed Elective proposal and authorization form              
  • a signed Bloodborne Viruses Declaration Form, and, for electives in the disciplines listed below,
  • proof of current ACLS certification dated within 2 years.
    • anesthesia
    • critical care medicine
    • emergency medicine
    • general surgery
    • internal medicine
    • general internal medicine (pre-FRCPC certification)
    • obstetrics and gynecology

​​​To ensure sufficient processing time, all documentation must be emailed to pgmeassistant@med.mun.ca at least one month before the start of the elective.

To arrange electives outside of St. John's, please contact the respective regional office. 

To arrange electives within St. John's, please contact the supervisor directly, or the discipline office

Note, as electives in St. John's fall under the Eastern Health Authority, visiting residents must also meet Eastern Health elective requirements prior to the start of an elective rotation. This includes an online orientation, completion of their PHIA education course, and the Oath of Confidentiality. Forms for Eastern Health will be provided by the PGME office upon receipt of the completed Elective Proposal and Authorization form. 
All elective enquiries, documentation, and confirmations are the responsibility of the resident.

Provincial Licensure

Residents must also obtain a postgraduate education license with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPSNL). 

Application for licensure begins when the completed elective form is sent from the PGME office to the CPSNL.

Complete licensure details are provided by the CPSNL; however, visiting residents are charged a fee, with additional fees for prescription writing privileges (applicants may be required to complete an online prescription writing course; additional fees apply).

As CPSNL licensure involves significant supporting documentation, it is advised you attend to their requirements as soon as possible.

Visiting residents will not be permitted to commence their elective rotation until all CPSNL, Eastern Health and Memorial University requirements have been met.

In the event your elective is cancelled, the PGME office will notify the: CPSNL, Health Authority, program-regional administrator, supervisor and home university.