A-Z Listing
The A-Z list provides easy access to mun.ca and includes websites for Separately Incorporated Entities (e.g. The Works, C-CORE) or other organizations tightly connected to Memorial (MUNFA, MUNPA, MUNSU, CHMR MUN Radio).
If your website should be listed below, please fill out the Marketing Request for Services form with the website name and link included.
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Academic Advising Centre
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Calendar (MI)
- Academic Vice President
- ACEnet
- Admissions (Grenfell campus)
- Admissions - International (Grenfell campus)
- Alumni Engagement (formerly Alumni Affairs and Development)
- Ancillary Operations
- Anthropology, Department of
- Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering and
- Apply to Memorial, Undergraduate admissions
- Aquaculture (graduate program)
- Archaeology, Department of
- ARTSworks
- ASK (student support)
- Athletics
- Awards and Honours
- Barnes House, Student Residence, Paton College
- Become a Graduate Student
- Become an Undergraduate Student
- Biochemistry, Department of
- Biology, Department of
- Biopsychology Program (see Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology)
- Bitters Graduate Student Lounge & Restaurant
- Blackall House, Student Residence, Paton College
- Blundon Centre for Students with Disabilities
- Board of Regents
- Bonne Bay Marine Station
- Bookstore
- Bookstore (Grenfell campus)
- Botanical Garden
- Bowater House, Student Residence, Paton College
- Budget Office
- Burke House, Student Residence, Paton College
- Bursar's Office (Grenfell)
- Burton's Pond Apartments, Student Residence
- Business Administration, Faculty of
- CHMR - MUN Radio
- CUPE 1615
- CWSE (NSERC/Petro-Canada Chair for Women in Science and Engineering
- Campus Cards
- Campus Maps
- Campus Enforcement and Patrol
- Campus Food Bank
- Canadian Federation of Students - Newfoundland and Labrador
- Career Development and Experiential Learning
- Career Exploration
- Careers
- Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development
- Centre for Collaborative Health Professional Education
- Centre for Career Development
- Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering
- Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL)
- Centre for Institutional Analysis and Planning
- Centre for International Nursing
- Centre for Language Testing and Certification (DELF Centre)
- Centre for Marine Stimulation
- Centre for Newfoundland Studies
- Centre for Nursing Studies
- Centre for Risk, Integrity, and Safety Engineering (C-RISE)
- Centre for Social Enterprise
- Centre for Sustainable Aqua Resources
- Centre for Women in Science and Engineering
- Chaplaincy at Memorial (formerly Campus Ministries)
- Chemistry, Department of
- Chief Risk Officer, Office of
- Childcare Centre at Memorial, St. John's campus
- Choral Centre
- Civil Engineering, Department of
- Classics, Department of
- Clubs and Societies
- Cluett Hall, Student Residence, MacPherson College
- Cinema Series - MUN Film Society
- Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology
- Commons, The (QEIII Library)
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science, Department of
- Scientific Computing Program (formerly Computational Science)
- Conferences & Guest Accommodations
- Convocation
- Cooperative Education, Division of
- Co-operative Education Services Centre
- Copyright
- Core Research Equipment And Instrument Training Network (CREAIT)
- Core Science Facility
- Course Evaluation Questionnaire
- Counselling Centre
- CREAIT Network
- Current Students - St. John's campus
- Curtis House, Student Residence, Paton College
- DELF Centre
- Diary - Dates and Deadlines
- Digital Learning Centre, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Digital Media Centre
- Disabilities (See Blundon Centre for Students with Disabilities)
- Doyle House, Student Residence, Paton College
- Earth Sciences, Department of
- Economics, Department of
- Education, Faculty of
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of
- Emergency Management, Office of
- Enactus Memorial (formerly SIFE)
- Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of
- English as a Second Language Programs
- English, Department of
- English Language Research Centre
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Environmental Science (graduate program)
- Environmental Science Programme (undergraduate, Grenfell Campus)
- Facilities Management
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Computing Centre
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Digital Learning Centre
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Nursing
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty Relations, Office of
- Federation of Students, Newfoundland and Labrador
- Ferriss Hodgett Library (Grenfell Campus)
- Film Society
- Financial and Administrative Services
- Fine Arts (Theatre), Bachelor of
- Fine Arts (Visual Arts), Bachelor of
- Folklore, Department of
- Food Advocacy Research at Memorial (FARM)
- Food Bank
- Gardiner Centre, The
- Gazette, The the official newspaper of Memorial University
- Gender Studies, Department of
- General Counsel, Office of
- Genesis Group
- Geography, Department of
- Geographic Information Sciences, Diploma in (GISciences)
- Go Abroad
- Governing Bodies
- Government House
- Graduate Students' Union
- Graduate Studies
- Grenfell Campus - degree programs
- Bachelor of Arts (English)
- Bachelor of Arts (Historical Studies)
- Bachelor of Arts (Humanities)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Social/Cultural Studies)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts)
- Bachelor of Nursing (Collaborative)
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
- Guide to First Year
- Harlow Campus
- Harris Centre (The Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development)
- Hatcher House, Student Residence, Paton College
- Health Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine
- History, Department of
- Honours and Awards
- Human Kinetics and Recreation, School of
- Human Resources
- Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of
- Humanities, M.Phil in
- ISER, Institute of Social and Economic Research
- Indigenous Student Resource Centre
- Information Access and Privacy Protection
- Information Technology Services
- Institut Frecker
- Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)
- Institutional Analysis and Planning, Centre for
- Institutional Honours and Awards
- Intangible Cultural Heritage (Heritage Foundation)
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- Interdisciplinary PhD Programs
- Internal Audit, Office of
- Internationalization Office
- International Student Advising Office
- Iranian Society, MUN
- IT Procurement
- J. R. Smallwood Foundation for Newfoundland & Labrador Studies
- Jarislowsky Chair in Cultural and Economic Transformation
- Journals, Memorial University Libraries
- Juniper House
- Labour Unions
- Labrador Institute
- Learning and Development, Memorial University
- Library
- Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Linguistics, Department of
- Lockers
- Luminus, magazine of the MUN Alumni Association
- LUMUN - Lecturers' Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland
- MISU - Marine Institute Student Union
- Maps
- Marketing - Division of Marketing and Communications
- Mechanical Engineering, Department of
- Media Relations
- MMAP Research Centre, Music, Media and Place
- MUN Botanical Garden
- MUN Film Society
- MUN Gazette, The official university newspaper
- MUNMED newsletter for the Faculty of Medicine
- MUNPA - Memorial University of Newfoundland Pensioners' Association
- Marine Institute
- Maritime History Archive
- Maritime Studies Research Unit
- Marketing and Communications, Division of
- Master of Philosophy in Humanities
- Mathematics and Statistics, Department of
- Medicine, Faculty of
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) - formerly Medieval Studies (MST)
- Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association (MUNFA)
- Memorial University of Newfoundland Pensioners Association (MUNPA)
- Memorial University of Newfoundland Students' Union
- Memorial University Press
- Memorial's Battery Location (Signal Hill Campus)
- MI International
- Modern Languages, Literatures, and Culture, Department of
- the muse, Memorial University's Student Newspaper
- Music, School of
- my.mun.ca (Student and employee portal)
- New Faculty, Guide For
- Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research
- Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Students (NLFS)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage
- Newfoundland Quarterly
- Newfoundland Studies, Centre for
- NSERC/Petro-Canada Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE)
- Nursing, Faculty of
- Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering, Department of
- Ocean Frontier Institute
- Ocean Sciences Centre
- Office of Faculty Relations
- Office of General Counsel
- Office of Indigenous Affairs
- Office of Internal Audit
- Office of Public Engagement
- Office of Student Recruitment
- Office of the Chief Information Officer
- Office of the Chief Risk Officer
- Office of the President
- Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
- Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (MI)
- Orientation (new students)
- Parking
- Pensioners' Association (see MUNPA)
- People/Departments
- Per Course Instructor Orientation
- Periodicals
- Pharmacy, School of
- Philosophy, Department of
- Physics and Physical Oceanography, Department of
- Police Studies
- Policies, University
- Political Science, Department of
- Postdoctoral Fellows at Memorial
- Post-Secondary Education Review
- President's Office
- Printing and Mail Services
- Process Engineering, Department of
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
- Psychology, Department of
- Psychology Society
- Public Engagement, Office of
- Queen's College Faculty of Theology
- Queen's Representative to Newfoundland and Labrador
- Registrar's Office
- Registrar's Office (Grenfell)
- Registrar's Office - Memorial Self-Service
- Religious Studies, Department of
- Research
- Research Office (Grenfell)
- Risk Management (see Enterprise Risk Management)
- Rothermere House, Student Residence, Paton College
- Scholarships
- School of Graduate Studies
- School of Human Kinetics and Recreation
- School of Music
- School of Pharmacy
- School of Social Work
- Science, Faculty of
- Scientific Computing Program (formerly Computational Science)
- Seahawks (MUN Athletics)
- Self-Service
- Senate
- Sexual Harassment Office
- Shiwak Hall, Student Residence, MacPherson College
- Social Enterprise, Centre of
- Social Work, School of
- Sociology, Department of
- Spanish
- Squires House, Student Residence, Paton College
- State of the Arts
- Statistical Consulting Centre, Mathematics and Statisics
- Statistics
- Student Life
- Student Recruitment, Office of
- Student Residences
- Student Volunteer Bureau
- Student Wellness and Counselling Centre
- Students' Union, Council of the
- Students' Union, Graduate
- Students' Union, Grenfell
- Students' Union, Marine Institute - MISU
- Sustainability Office
- Teaching and Learning
- Technical Services, Research
- Technology Transfer and Commercialization, Office of
- Theatre (Grenfell)
- United Way (at Memorial)
- University Bookstore
- University Calendar
- University Calendar (MI)
- University Counselling Centre
- University Library
- University Policies
- Vice-president (Administration and Finance)
- Vice-president (Indigenous)
- Vice-president (Research)
- Vice-Presidents Council
- Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
- Women in Science and Engineering, Centre for
- Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Women's Studies (See Department of Gender Studies)
- Works, The
- Writing Centre
- WW100 Commemoration Program
- Yaffle - search projects at Memorial University