Graduate Studies

The Faculty of Medicine offers graduate degrees: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Health Ethics (MHE), and Master of Public Health (MPH) in ten program areas:

And Graduate Diploma programs in:

  • Community Health
  • Clinical Epidemiology

The coordinators in our graduate programs oversee the admissions and communication of interest to the graduate studies committee and participants in the Faculty of Medicine.

 All forms and matters related to the faculty of medicine graduate studies are handled directly by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies. All forms to be submitted are signed by the assistant dean as “head of academic unit”.

Refer to the Faculty of Medicine Graduate Student handbook for more information.

Information for potential candidates is available from:

Office of Research and Graduate Studies
Faculty of Medicine
Telephone: 709-864-6337 

Application to graduate studies can be made on-line through the School of Graduate Studies here.