June 4, 2020
Mentorship is an important practice that encourages personal growth and success for both the mentor and the mentee. The Office of Student Affairs invites faculty and learners to consider the added benefits of mentorship during current times and encourages you to participate in our Mentorship Program. Please contact Students Affairs if you have any questions.
Celebrating during COVID-19
Staying safe during the COVID-19 pandemic means cancelled plans such as graduations, weddings, sporting events, vacations and other celebrations due to current public health directives. Learning to deal with the frustration, sadness and hurt feelings that come with cancelled plans can help you strengthen your personal resilience. Here are some tips to consider if you are feeling disappointed:
Give yourself permission to grieve:
Recognize that your feelings of sadness, disappointment and loss are legitimate and allow yourself to genuinely experience your emotions. Acknowledge that disappointment is a part of life, even in the best of times.
Lean on your support network:
Discuss your disappointment with someone you trust. Talking it out with a supportive person can help you reduce your negative emotions, gain some comfort, and maybe discover a new perspective.
Identify what’s important to you:
Take some time to consider what your disappointment reveals about your values. For example, are you upset about missing a special time with family and friends, or about feeling a special achievement or milestone is not being recognised? Carefully examine what is at the core of your disappointment and consider other ways to honour what you value.
Celebrating special occasions is partly about recognising a significant milestone or achievement, and partly about creating happy memories. Think about what you were hoping to achieve with your celebration and channel your energies into something positive. For some people this will mean finding a new, creative way to celebrate or mark an occasion. For others it may mean doing something else positive for yourself, your loved ones, or for other members of your community who are in need.
On behalf of the Well-Being Task force, we wish our learners who have finished their studies at the Faculty of Medicine a meaningful celebration of their achievements and every success in life’s next adventure.
The Well-being Task Force
Faculty of Medicine
Dealing with Disappointment of Cancelled Plans:
Red Cross: How to Manage Disruption and Disappointment
Girl Scouts: Help Kids Cope with Disappointment in the Face of CoVID-19
How to Celebrate in the Time of Social Distancing:
Canadian Mental Health Association: How to Celebrate Occasions During COVID-19
Kids Help Line: 8 ways to celebrate special events during the pandemic