University Policy


Program Transfer

Approval Date: 2021-11-22

Effective Date: 2021-11-22

Review Date: 2025-11-22


Postgraduate Medical Education Committee



The Faculty of Medicine (FoM) offers Postgraduate Training Programs that are accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). Each year, the FoM participates in the matching process for Postgraduate Training Positions which are administered by the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS).


The FoM recognizes that there may be exceptional situations in which a Postgraduate Learner feels they are enrolled in a Postgraduate Training Program that is not appropriate for their needs. This policy establishes the conditions under which a program transfer may occur. 


This policy applies to all eligible Learners matched to a Postgraduate Training Program at Memorial University (Memorial) through the CaRMS.


Academic Year (Program Transfer policy) — The time interval that commences July 1 and finishes June 30. On occasion, a learner may be out-of-phase and may have a starting date other than July 1 and will be promoted to the next year of training on the anniversary of their start date, adjusted on an ongoing basis.

Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) — The senior faculty officer, appointed by the Dean of Medicine, who is responsible for the overall conduct and supervision of PGME with the Faculty of Medicine (FoM).

Block — One (1) of thirteen (13), four (4) - week intervals, within an academic year of training.

Learner (Program Transfer Policy) — A trainee registered in a postgraduate training program accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) or the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).

Program Director — The university faculty member most responsible for the overall conduct of the residency program in a given discipline.

Residency Program Committee — A committee established to assist the Program Director in the planning, organization, and supervision of the residency program.


1.0 Eligibility Criteria

1.1 A Learner currently enrolled in a Postgraduate Training Program at Memorial is eligible for a Program Transfer if they were matched through the Canadian Medical Graduate (CMG) stream of CaRMS in the 1st or 2nd iteration and have completed the first year of training (thirteen (13) blocks of training) in their Postgraduate Program.

1.2 Learners matched through the International Medical Graduate (IMG) stream of CaRMS in the 1st or 2nd iteration (return-in-service positions) are not eligible for Program Transfer.

2.0 General Provisions

2.1 Wherever possible, transfers should not subvert the CaRMS match.

2.2 A Learner may request a Program Transfer once per Academic year.

2.3 All approved Program Transfers must begin on July 1.

2.4 For Family Medicine Learners, Transfers between streams are not permitted.

2.5 Program transfer requests must be made in writing and received by the Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) office by the date(s) specified on the PGME Webpage each year.

2.5.1 The Learner may withdraw their application at any time until the signed agreement to Transfer has been submitted.

2.5.2 Signed agreements are binding and cannot be withdrawn.

2.6 Capacity, funding, and other constraints may limit the availability of Program Transfers; therefore, it may not be possible to accommodate all requests.

2.6.1 Learners are reminded that applying to the 2nd iteration of the CaRMS match may result in a higher chance of success compared to applying for a Program Transfer.


For inquiries related to this policy:

For further information regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Analyst at or the Policy Coordinator at


Postgraduate Medical Education Committee


Postgraduate Medical Education

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