Faculty A-Z

Vernon Curran
Professor of Medical Education Associate Dean of Educational Development B.A. Memorial, Dip.Ad.Ed. St. Francis Xavier, M.Ed. Dalhousie, Post Grad. Cert. British Columbia, Ph.D. GuelphDivision of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
709 864-3346
Room # H 2982 Office of Professional and Educational Development Faculty of Medicine Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Johnâ€TMs, NL Canada A1B 3V6
Vernon Curran is Associate Dean of Educational Development and Professor of Medical Education with the Division of Community Health and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University. As Associate Dean he is responsible for overseeing several educational support units within the Faculty of Medicine, including the Office of Professional and Educational Development and Centre for Collaborative Health Professional Education. He is Vice-Chair of the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Committee on Continuing Professional Development, member of the AFMC Faculty Development Network, past member of the Canadian Association of Medical Education (CAME) Board of Directors and the CAME Working Group on the Scholarly Advancement of Medical Education.
Research Interests
Dr. Curran’s research has focused around digital health and learning in medicine, simulation-based medical education, CME/CPD and interprofessional education in the health professions, assessment and program evaluation in medical education, and adult education and health. Recent research has focused on: COVID-19 and physician wellness; virtual care and CPD needs of physicians and healthcare providers; use of digital, social and mobile technologies amongst physicians and healthcare providers; competency-based assessment; and simulation-based medical education (SBME) and virtual reality. He has received the CAME Junior Award for Contribution to Medical Education, the Distinguished Researcher Award from the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, and more recently the Dr. Dave Davis Award for Research in CME/CPD from the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME). Over the course of his academic career he has been principal author or co-author of over 120 peer-reviewed journal articles, published monographs and book chapters, and lead presenter or co-presenter of over 180 peer-reviewed oral presentations, workshops and posters at professional conferences and meetings. He holds degrees in psychology, adult and continuing education, educational technology, health and extension studies.
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