3.1 School Description
Memorial University of Newfoundland's School of Graduate Studies (SGS) is home to over 3,500 graduate students enrolled in over 100 graduate diploma, and master's and doctoral degree programs.
The School is a central agency responsible for the collection, maintenance, and distribution of materials on graduate students. It maintains graduate files and administers graduate applications, admissions, comprehensive examinations, thesis examinations, and doctoral defences. SGS is also responsible for registrarial functions, graduate enrolment management, and recruitment, and administers graduate student funding including assistantships, external and internal scholarships, baseline fellowships, supervisor support, and Tricouncil global payments.
The School assists academic units in developing new program proposals and administers their approval. Through its Academic Council, SGS also provides a forum for representatives from all faculties, schools, and the Graduate Students’ Union to discuss matters pertaining to graduate education. The Council ensures maintenance of standards across all graduate programs by considering policies relating to graduate studies, approving regulation changes and appeals, receiving reports from standing and ad hoc committees, and making recommendations on matters affecting graduate studies.
Additional information regarding the School of Graduate Studies is available at www.mun.ca/sgs.
Students must meet all regulations of the School in addition to the General Regulations, the Degree Regulations and any additional requirements of the appropriate Department.
For information concerning fees and charges, see the Financial and Administrative Services website at www.mun.ca/finance/fees/.
For information concerning scholarships, bursaries and awards, see Awards and Scholarships.
Copyright © 2024 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.