17.9 Courses
Course descriptions for graduate courses in Education are available at the Faculty of Education graduate website.
A selection of the following graduate courses shall be offered to meet the requirements of students, as far as the resources of the Faculty allow.
- 6100 Research Designs and Methods in Education
- 6105 Social and Cultural Difference and Education
- 6106 Popular Culture and Literacy Education
- 6107 Arts Education: Creativity in the Classroom
- 6108 Literacy and Language Education: Sociocultural Perspectives
- 6192 Project in Reading Development and Instruction
- 6193 Project in Educational Technology (6 credit hours)
- 6202 Social Context of Educational Leadership
- 6203 Leadership: Theory and Practice
- 6204 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice
- 6205 Educational Policy: Theory and Practice
- 6290 Research and Development Seminar in Educational Leadership Studies
- 6291 Internship in Educational Leadership Studies (6 credit hours)
- 6292 Project in Educational Leadership Studies (6 credit hours)
- 6293 Paper Folio in Educational Leadership Studies (6 credit hours)
- 6300 Teaching and Learning
- 6321 Supervisory Processes in Education
- 6330 Educational Finance
- 6335 Legal Foundations of Educational Administration
- 6390 Research and Development Seminar in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies
- 6391 Internship in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies (6 credit hours)
- 6392 Project in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies (6 credit hours)
- 6393 Paper Folio in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies (6 credit hours)
- 6394 Biographical Explorations of Teaching and Learning
- 6410 Seminar on Philosophical Issues in Educational Policy and Leadership
- 6420 Ethical Issues and Perspectives in Educational Practice and Policy
- 6425 Comparative Perspectives in Public Education, Reform, and Leadership
- 6426 Computer Applications in Educational Administration
- 6427 School Community Partnerships
- 6440 Family-School Relations: Leadership and Policy Implications
- 6461 Graduate Research Writing
- 6462 Cultural Landscapes, Knowledge and Pedagogy
- 6463 Relationships First: Rethinking Educational Engagement (credit may be obtained for only one of 6463 or 6936)
- 6465 School Violence: Leadership and Policy Implications
- 6466 Qualitative Research Methods
- 6467 Quantitative Research Methods
- 6468 Critical Approaches to Educational Research
- 6469 Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Action Research
- 6470 Word and Sentence Level Reading Development and Instruction
- 6471Text-level Reading Development and Instruction (prerequisite: ED 6470)
- 6472 Issues and Interventions in Reading Development and Instruction for Diverse Learners (prerequisites: ED 6470, ED 6471)
- 6473 Praxis for Reading Teachers (prerequisites: ED 6470, ED 6471, ED 6472)
- 6502 Contexts of Music Education
- 6503 Teaching Music from the Podium
- 6504 Musicianship, Pedagogy, and Learning
- 6590 Research and Development Seminar in Information Technology in Education
- 6600 Learning and Motivation
- 6602 Curriculum Studies
- 6603 Place, Ecology and Education
- 6610 Research on Computers in the Curriculum
- 6612 Integration of Instructional Design and Educational Technology at CBU
- 6614 Technology Planning for Educational Environments at CBU
- 6615 Educational Software Prototyping and Evaluation
- 6617 Digital Citizenship in a Global Community at CBU
- 6620 Issues and Trends in Educational Computing
- 6630 Critical Issues in Mathematics Education
- 6632 Current Research in Teaching and Learning of Elementary School Mathematics (prerequisite: 6630)
- 6634 Teaching and Learning to Solve Mathematics Problems (prerequisite: 6630)
- 6635 Teaching and Learning Geometry
- 6636 Teaching and Learning the Concept of Number and Operations
- 6639 Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (prerequisite: 6630)
- 6641 Writing in the Primary, Elementary and Secondary Schools
- 6642 Developmental Reading (K-8)
- 6643 Contemporary Issues in Intermediate and Secondary English
- 6644 Drama in Education
- 6645 Literature for Children and Adolescents
- 6646 Literature in the Secondary School
- 6647 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading and Writing Difficulties
- 6649 Exploring Multiple Literacies
- 6653 Contemporary Issues in Science Education I
- 6655 The Nature of Science and Science Education
- 6658 Teaching and Learning Scientific Concepts, Laws, and Theories
- 6660 Information Technology
- 6661 Applications of Media in Education
- 6662 Research Seminar in Teacher-Librarianship
- 6663 The Organization of Learning Resources
- 6664 Seminar in School Improvement
- 6668 Current Issues in Second Language Education
- 6669 Graduate Seminar in Second Language Teaching and Learning
- 6670 Teaching and Learning Social Studies
- 6671 Research in Social Studies Education
- 6672 Issues and Trends in Social Studies
- 6673 Second Language Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (credit may be obtained for only one of Education 6673, the former 6665 or 6667)
- 6674 Research in Second Language Writing Education
- 6675 Current Issues in Rural Education
- 6676 Research and Practice in TESL/TEFL (Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language)
- 6693 Literacy for the Young Child in Home and School
- 6700 Ethical and Legal Issues in Counselling
- 6701 Issues and Methodologies in Learning and Developmental Research
- 6702 Counselling: Individuals Across the Lifespan Theory (co-requisite ED 6721)
- 6705 Nature and Development of School Counselling Services
- 6706 Career Education and Career Counselling
- 6708 Group Counselling: Theory (co-requisite ED 6723)
- 6709 Assessment of Intelligence and Learning Skills
- 6710 Issues in Development and Implementation of Special Education Policy and Practices
- 6711 Behaviour Modification in the Educational Setting
- 6712 The Nature and Assessment of Behaviour Disorders in Children and Adolescents
- 6713 Educational Applications of Contemporary Cognitive Psychology
- 6714 Principles and Practices in Exceptionality
- 6715 The Theory and Practice of Peer Helping Programs
- 6716 Working with Families and Parents
- 6717 Counselling Adolescents
- 6718 Elementary School Counselling
- 6719 Cultural Issues in Counselling
- 6720 Internship in Counselling Psychology (7.5 credit hours)
- 6721 Counselling Individuals Across the Lifespan Lab (1.5 credit hours)
- 6722 Assessment of Learning and Achievement for Counsellors
- 6723 Group Counselling Lab (1.5 credit hours)
- 6724 Assessment of Learning and Achievement for Counsellors Lab (1.5 credit hours; Pass/Fail)
- 6725 Practice of Assessment for Counsellors Theory
- 6726 Practice of Assessment for Counsellors Lab (1.5 credit hours; Pass/Fail)
- 6727 Diverse and Intersecting Identities
- 6729 Counselling in Context
- 6730 Biological Basis of Behaviour and Trauma Informed Practice
- 6731 Contemplative and Ecological Perspectives in Counselling
- 6732 Pre-Internship in Counselling Psychology (1.5 credit hours; Pass/Fail)
- 6733 Advanced Individual Counselling Lab (1.5 credit hours)
- 6755 Nature and Assessment of Learning Disabilities
- 6790 Research and Development Seminar in Counselling Psychology
- 6801 Foundations of Post-Secondary Programs
- 6802 Adult Learning and Development
- 6803 Research in Post-Secondary Education
- 6804 Leadership and Human Resource Development in Post-Secondary Education
- 6805 Advanced Human Resource Communications
- 6806 Interprofessional Education in the Health Professions
- 6807 Economics and Finance of Post-Secondary Education
- 6808 Supporting international and immigrant students
- 6809 Internationalization of Higher Education
- 6810 Assessment and Evaluation in Student Services
- 6811 Theoretical Foundations in Adult/Post-Secondary Teaching and Learning
- 6822 Foundations of Instructional Design in Post-Secondary Education
- 6823 Principles of Program Design and Development
- 6831 Organization and Administration of Student Services for the Adult Learner
- 6832 Issues and Trends in the Administration of Post-Secondary Education
- 6841 Student Development Theory, Services and Programs in Post-Secondary Education
- 6890 Research and Development Seminar in Post-Secondary Studies
- 6891 Internship in Post-Secondary Studies (6 credit hours)
- 6900-6910 Special Topics (excluding 6909)
- 6909 Narrative Approaches to Teaching, Learning and Research
- 6911 Multiage Education: An Introduction
- 6912-6950 Special Topics (excluding 6913, 6923, 6924, 6927,6931, 6932, 6936, 6938, and 6940)
- 6913 Putting Action Research Methodologies into Practice (prerequisite: 6469 Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Action Research)
- 6922 Blended and Online Learning at CBU
- 6923 Perspectives in Indigenous Education
- 6924 Decolonizing Pedagogies
- 6927 Digital Game-based Learning
- 6931 Educational Technology Law
- 6932 Intellectual Technology Law in Teaching and Learning
- 6938 Advanced Individual Counselling: Theory (2 credit hours; co-requisite ED 6733)
- 6940 Administration of Student Services in Post-Secondary Education
- 6942 Designing Distributed Learning at CBU
- 6944 Data Informed Education at CBU
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