16.16 History

In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the Head of the Department.

A tentative list of upcoming History course offerings can be found at www.mun.ca/hss/courses.php.

History courses are designated by HIST.

HIST 1005 Critical Reading and Writing in Indigenous Studies

features the analysis of scholarly literature, media, and other sources of knowledge related to Indigenous studies. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments related to the study of both past and present. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.


the former HIST 1016


Archaeology 1005

HIST 1007 Critical Reading and Writing: Themes in the History of Business

uses case studies to examine the long history of global trade, markets, the emergence of the corporation and the policy and political contexts in which modern business developed. It teaches students how to analyse and think critically about a wide variety of sources and to write well-crafted papers that are coherently organised and argued. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1009 Critical Reading and Writing: The Medieval World

introduces students to reading and writing skills required for success in university, including the analysis of scholarly literature and primary sources. Significant class time is spent on instruction in these skills. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments on the medieval world. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1010 Critical Reading and Writing: The Americas

introduces students to reading and writing skills required for success in university, including the analysis of scholarly literature and primary sources. Significant class time is spent on instruction in these skills. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments on the Americas. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1011 Critical Reading and Writing: Modern Europe

introduces students to reading and writing skills required for success in university, including the analysis of scholarly literature and primary sources. Significant class time is spent on instruction in these skills. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments on modern Europe. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1012 Critical Reading and Writing: The Twentieth Century

introduces students to reading and writing skills required for success in university, including the analysis of scholarly literature and primary sources. Significant class time is spent on instruction in these skills. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments on the twentieth century. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1013 Critical Reading and Writing: Canada

introduces students to reading and writing skills required for success in university, including the analysis of scholarly literature and primary sources. Significant class time is spent on instruction in these skills. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments on Canada. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1014 Critical Reading and Writing: The United States

introduces students to reading and writing skills required for success in university, including the analysis of scholarly literature and primary sources. Significant class time is spent on instruction in these skills. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments on the United States. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1015 Critical Reading and Writing: Social and Cultural History

introduces students to reading and writing skills required for success in university, including the analysis of scholarly literature and primary sources. Significant class time is spent on instruction in these skills. Students practice analytical reading and writing through class discussion and assignments on themes in social and cultural history. All sections of this course follow Critical Reading and Writing Course Guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/crw.

HIST 1110 Events that Changed the World: An Introduction to Medieval History

presents history as a way of understanding how and why human communities and societies change. Through an exploration of a series of transformative events, primarily from the medieval period, students will learn about historical change, how it can be studied, and why events can be interpreted in various manners.

HIST 1111 Events that Changed the World: An Introduction to Early Modern History

presents history as a way of understanding how and why human communities and societies change. Through an exploration of a series of transformative events, primarily from the late medieval and early modern periods, students will learn about historical change, how it can be studied, and why events can be interpreted in various manners. Contents will vary depending on the area of specialization of the instructor.

HIST 1112 Events that Changed the World: An Introduction to Late Modern History

presents history as a way of understanding how and why human communities and societies change. Through an exploration of a series of transformative events, primarily from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, students will learn about historical change, how it can be studied, and why events can be interpreted in various manners.

HIST 2001 History of Science and Technology

- inactive course.

HIST 2020 Ancient Near Eastern History

is an introduction to the history of ancient city-states, kingdoms and empires in Egypt and/or Mesopotamia, including economic, social, political and cultural developments. Students will be introduced to the rich heritage that influences the modern Middle East and its relations with the traditions of Europe.


Classics 2025

HIST 2034 History of the Hellenistic World

is a survey of the history of the Mediterranean world and the Near East from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE until the incorporation of the Kingdom of Egypt in the Roman Empire in 30 BCE. Particular attention is given to the influence of the new monarchies on political, social and cultural developments in both Greek and non-Greek communities.


Classics 2020

HIST 2035 History of Classical Greece

is a survey of Greek history from the Bronze Age to the death of Alexander the Great, with special reference to the social and political institutions of the fifth century BCE. Students will learn about the foundations of modern democracy and its responses to internal and external challenges.


Classics 2035

HIST 2041 History of the Roman Republic

is a survey of Roman history from the early monarchy to the death of Julius Caesar, with special reference to the society and politics of the late Republican period. Students will learn about the different ways in which modern states have, for good or ill, attempted to emulate republican Roman political structures.


the former Classics 2040, the former HIST 2040


Classics 2041

HIST 2042 History of the Roman Empire

is a survey of Roman history from the death of Julius Caesar to the rise of Constantine, with special reference to the society and politics of the early Imperial period. Course contents may also include the representation of Roman emperors and imperial culture in modern film and television.


the former Classics 2040, the former HIST 2040


Classics 2042

HIST 2060 History of War and Society to 1789

is a survey of major developments in the history of warfare from the earliest times to 1789 with particular emphasis on changes in the nature and conduct of warfare, the evolution of military thinking, the organization of military and naval forces, the impact of technological change, the emergence of professionalism, societies, and armed forces.


the former HIST 3050

HIST 2065 History of War and Society from 1789 to the Present

is a global examination of warfare, including its effect on society, culture, politics, economics, and military thinking, from the French Revolution to the more recent threat posed by revolutionary and fundamentalist terrorism. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.


the former HIST 3060

HIST 2130 Seafaring Places and Seafaring Peoples

is a study of the places and people involved in maritime activities between Europe and Asia and in India, south-east Asia, China and Japan during the period of European expansion to the region.

HIST 2140 The Atlantic Slave Trade

is a comparative survey of the Transatlantic Slave Trade 1503-1851, from West African origins through the oceanic Middle Passage to the formation of slave societies in the Americas. This course examines processes of enslavement, commodification, shipboard resistance, sale and adaptation, and the international movement to abolish the slave trade.


HIST 2260

HIST 2150 Modern Latin American History

introduces students to the history of Latin America (including the Caribbean) from Independence in the early nineteenth century. We examine the post-colonial troubles of the nineteenth century as liberal-minded individuals and movements attempted to establish modern nation-states and economies, as well as the opposition they faced by traditional elements such as the oligarchy and the Catholic Church. Twentieth-century topics range from the Mexican Revolution, Brazilian and Argentine populism, soccer in South America, and Cuban film.

HIST 2200 Making Canada: Canadian History to 1867

is a survey of Canadian History to Confederation, 1867.

HIST 2210 Modern Canada: Canadian History Since 1867

is a survey of Canadian history since Confederation.

HIST 2300 Early Modern European History, 1500-1789

is an introduction to the main issues and problems in early modern European history with an emphasis on the political, social, economic and cultural developments from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.


Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2003

HIST 2310 Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1789-1914

is a survey of the economic, social, political and cultural developments of Europe from 1789- 1914.

HIST 2320 Medieval Europe to the Eleventh Century

is a survey of the economic, social, political and cultural developments of the early Middle Ages.


the former HIST 2030


Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2001, the former Medieval Studies 2001, the former Medieval Studies 2320

HIST 2330 Medieval Europe Since the Eleventh Century

is a survey of the economic, social, religious, political and cultural developments of Europe in the high and late Middle Ages.


the former HIST 2030


Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2002, the former Medieval Studies 2002

HIST 2335 Medieval Central and Eastern Europe

is an introduction to the history of Central and Eastern Europe – from the Balkans to Finland and from the Czech lands to Rus’ – in the Middle Ages (500-1500 CE).


Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2004

HIST 2340 European Urban History

examines the development of urban networks and the growth of specific towns and cities in early modern and modern Europe. We will also study how these centres were perceived, and the roles of public spaces and public festivals. Much of this course is devoted to examining the conditions found in urban centres and the impact on local inhabitants. The course concludes with a study of nineteenth century urban boosterism.

at least 3 credit hours in History
HIST 2350 Europe in the Twentieth Century

examines social, economic, and political changes from 1918 to the present including the collapse of monarchies, the emergence of mass politics, fascism and totalitarianism, World War II, postwar reconstruction and the welfare state, European integration, and Europe in the postwar economic and political order. The course will examine Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, and particularly the European Union. Special attention will be paid to the demise of class politics and the impact of postwar affluence.

the former European Studies 2000, the former Political Science 2350, the former Political Science 2990
HIST 2500 Global History to 1945

is a study of the world-wide impact of the main events and developments in the age of global interdependence. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

the former HIST 3700
HIST 2510 Global History Since 1945

is an historical analysis of the main issues in the contemporary world since 1945. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

the former HIST 3710
HIST 2600 History of the United States of America to 1865

is a survey of the history of the United States of America from its colonial origins to the end of the Civil War.

the former HIST 3230
HIST 2610 History of the United States of America Since 1865

is a survey of the history of the United States of America since the Civil War.

the former HIST 3240
HIST 2665 Sickness and Health in Western Society

- inactive course.

HIST 2760 Women’s History: The Gendered Past

- inactive course.

HIST 2800 Indigenous Peoples and Colonialism

is a comparative survey of Indigenous experiences with colonialism in a global context from the sixteenth century onwards. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

HIST 3000 Medieval Books

is an examination of the development and role of the manuscript book during the Middle Ages. Topics covered will include book production and dissemination; authors, scribes and audiences; and various kinds of books (e.g. glossed Bibles, anthologies, books of hours, etc.) and their uses.


English 3002, Medieval and Early Modern Studies 3000, the former Medieval Studies 3000, and Religious Studies 3000

HIST 3011-3019 (Excluding 3015) Special Topics in Ancient and Medieval History

are specialized studies in Ancient and Medieval history. Topics to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.


credit may be obtained for only one of HIST 3016 and HIST 3803

HIST 3015 Medieval Europe in a Global Perspective

investigates the roles of colonization, exploration, and encounters with foreign societies in medieval European history. It aims at understanding the impetus and motives that led to situations in which medieval Europeans migrated, traveled, and encountered distant and little known civilizations, as well as their reactions to these encounters.

HIST 3030 Environmental History

examines human relationships to the natural environment. The focus of the course is the global history of environmental changes caused by humans, and the influence of the natural environment on human cultures and societies. Case studies will focus on issues with broad relevance to contemporary environmental issues such as energy use, the environmental impact of military conflict, species introductions, natural disasters, urban sustainability, ecological restoration, and the origins of environmentalism. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

HIST 3110 History of Newfoundland to 1815

studies the growth of settlement and the manner in which a 'migratory' fishery carried on from England and Ireland changed into a 'sedentary' fishery carried on by residents of Newfoundland.

HIST 3120 Modern Newfoundland Since 1815

examines the establishment and development of political institutions, changes in economic structure and the growth of populations.

HIST 3131 Black History in Canada

is a survey of topics such as slavery in Canada, the Black loyalists, immigration, police brutality, and African Canadian cultural history.

HIST 3270 Christianity and the Roman Empire

is a study of the relationship between Christianity and the Roman Empire from the first to the fourth century.


Classics 3270, Medieval and Early Modern Studies 3270, the former Medieval Studies 3270, and Religious Studies 3270

HIST 3360 Revolutionary and Soviet Russia

- inactive course.

HIST 3370 German History I, to the Mid-Nineteenth Century

examines the history of the peoples and states of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation and the Germanic Confederation with emphasis on the origins of modern Germany.

HIST 3440 History of the British Empire and Commonwealth Since 1815

examines the transition from British Empire to Commonwealth of Nations.

HIST 3450 Tudor and Stuart Britain, 1485-1714: Reformation, Renaissance, and Revolution

examines a dynamic period of religious, cultural and political change.

HIST 3460 British History Since 1714

examines British history from the accession of the Hanoverians to the welfare state.

HIST 3490 History of Ireland Since the Great Famine

- inactive course.

HIST 3520 Indigenous History to 1763

examines Indigenous history in North America, including the Innu, Inuit, Beothuk and Mi’kmaq, from before European contact to the Royal Proclamation in 1763. Particular attention will be paid to historical encounters framed by first contacts, cultural exchange, trade, disease, religious encounters, conflict and diplomacy, and territorial encroachment.


Anthropology 3520, Archaeology 3520

HIST 3525 Indigenous History From 1763

examines the history of Indigenous peoples in North America, including the Innu, Inuit, Beothuk and Mi’kmaq, from 1763 to the twentieth century. Particular attention will be paid to Indigenous-settler relations, including Indigenous policies, military encounters and diplomacy, expansion and removals, education, treaties, and politicization.


Anthropology 3525, Archaeology 3525

HIST 3570 The Modern Middle East

is an examination of the peoples and states of the Middle East and their interaction with each other and with the great powers since the mid-nineteenth century.

HIST 3582 Historical Archaeology

- inactive course.

HIST 3590 The Early Modern Caribbean

examines the history of the Caribbean region in the period 1492-1848, addressing topics such as comparative labour systems, slave resistance, colonial societies, plantation landscapes, and environmental change.

HIST 3640 War and Society in Colonial North America

- inactive course.

HIST 3675 Navies and Societies Since 1650

is an examination of the rise of modern navies since 1650 that places navies and naval decisions within broader national and international political, economic and social contexts.

the former HIST 3822
HIST 3680 North Atlantic Seafaring to 1850

examines the maritime mercantile development of the countries on the Atlantic littoral, 1650-1850.

HIST 3690 North Atlantic Seafaring Since 1850

- inactive course.

HIST 3740-3750 (Excluding 3747, 3748, 3749) Studies in Modern Social and Intellectual History

are selected studies in the history of modern ideas and society. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 3749 Social History of Alcohol

examines the motivations behind those who have tried to regulate or prohibit the consumption of alcohol and those who wish to consume it. In order to identify what alcohol consumption ‘meant’ in the past we will explore who drank what, where they drank it, and why. The course focuses on Europe from approximately 1600 onwards, but also discusses patterns of alcohol consumption in North America.

HIST 3765 Gendered Indigenous History

is a thematic examination of the complexities of gender and indigeneity from a global perspective, with particular emphasis on the gendered experiences of colonialism. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

HIST 3780 Women in Medieval Europe, 500-1500

uses a wide variety of primary and secondary sources to examine medieval women in their social, political, cultural, and religious contexts to understand women’s lives in this important millennium of the European past.

HIST 3790 Reel American History: United States History through its Films, 1895-1945

interprets narrative films as historical evidence to shed light on shifts in American culture and society during the first half of the twentieth century.

HIST 3800-3830 (Excluding 3801, 3806, 3807, 3808, 3811, 3813, 3821, 3822, the former 3826) Contemporary Problems in Historical Perspective

is an analysis of developments leading to a contemporary issue or problem selected each year or semester. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.


credit may be obtained for only one of HIST 3016 and HIST 3803

HIST 3801 History of Modern Revolutions

examines theoretical and thematic approaches to the study of revolution. The class will study some of the major political revolutions of the twentieth century and also explore the causes and consequences of various social, cultural, and economic upheavals such as the student revolts of the 1960s and the sexual revolution. There will be a discussion on how the way in which historians have studied revolutions has changed during the past half century.

HIST 3806 Titanic Histories

investigates the ‘unsinkable ship’, its passengers, crew and owners, and the dilemmas its loss has created for over a century. Students will examine how present-day understandings of the past are expressed in the multiple ways and diverse forms of treating the Titanic.

HIST 3807 The World at War, 1914-18

examines one of the most important events in twentieth-century world history, the First World War, and the war’s global impact on economics, society, culture, politics, and warfare. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

HIST 3808 The World at War: 1939-45

examines how World War II marked an end to twenty years of a broad European peace and a reversal of the international political order established after the First World War. It examines the conflict from many different perspectives to reveal how this conflict was partly shaped by the first half of the twentieth century and how it shaped the second half of it. The emphasis is on the war’s global nature.

HIST 3811 The Menace of Progress: Colonialism and the Making of the Modern World

encourages students to think critically about ideas of progress, enlightenment, and civilization by examining the emergence of the modern world and its relationship to colonialism. It explores the rise of the West by examining global history since the fifteenth century. Course topics include the transatlantic slave trade, enclosure, the destruction of Indian cotton manufacturing, and consumer culture. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

HIST 3813 Gendered History: Women in Newfoundland and Labrador

examines the experiences of women in Newfoundland and Labrador with an emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It explores the interaction of women’s lives and the province’s social, political and economic history. Topics to be covered include work (paid and unpaid); childbearing and child rearing; immigration and emigration; political activity; and legal status.

HIST 3819 A History of Central Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary

follows the development of the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary, and Poland out of the Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian empires after World War I. Subjects will include internal matters and international relations from the early twentieth century into the post-World War II period. Special emphasis will be given to the events leading up to the crises created by the end of the Soviet Union and the emergence of new Russia.

HIST 3821 Gender in Canadian History

examines the experiences of women and men and the construction of gender identities through themes such as sexuality, moral reform, immigration, racial/ethnic identity, indigeneity, and participation in the workforce.

HIST 3823 History of Terrorism

is the study of the historical origins of modern terrorism both within nations and transnationally. The course will emphasize the significance of terrorism, the interconnections between terrorist organizations, the activities of numerous terror groups, with examples drawn from a variety of countries. A range of historical viewpoints will be presented to understand the many controversial issues which surround this topic.

HIST 3840 Historical Methods

is an introduction to the methods and practices of history in the modern era. This course is compulsory for Majors and Honours students, including those intending to apply for graduate studies.

the former HIST 4801
12 credit hours in History
HIST 3940 Urbanization and the Environment in Medieval Europe

examines the phenomenon of urbanization in medieval Europe in connection with the natural environment. The course will discuss the specific features of medieval European urbanization while paying attention to the impact of urbanization on the environment, and on urban solutions to environmental problems.

HIST 4000-4008 (Excluding 4002, 4003) Special Topics in Ancient and Medieval History

are specialized studies in Ancient and Medieval history. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4002 The Uses of Writing in Medieval Europe

explores the pragmatic uses of writing in medieval Europe through the study of non-literary texts. The focus will be on the variety of situations in which individuals of diverse social backgrounds – men and women, laypeople and clerics, aristocrats and townsfolk – came into contact with writing. Sources under study will include inscriptions, letters, and maps, with a special focus on charters and other documents.

HIST 4003 Religion and Society in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Periods

examines a range of written and physical evidence for the interaction of religion and society in the late antique and early medieval world. This course will cover the broad topic of religion and society through an in-depth analysis of the historiography and material culture of the late antique and early medieval period.

HIST 4011 Nature and Culture in Medieval Europe

will introduce students to the expanding field of the environmental history of medieval Europe. Participants will study how medieval Europeans conceived of the interrelationship between natural environment and human communities, as well as how the impact of human activities on the environment can be reconstructed.

HIST 4100 History and Memory

- inactive course.

HIST 4110-4130 (Excluding 4125) Special Topics in North Atlantic History

are specialized studies in the history of the North Atlantic. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4125 The History of Environmental Ideas in Canada and the United States

surveys major philosophical, scientific, and popular ideas of nature in Canada and the United States during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Students will examine key historical manifestations of environmental thought such as romanticism, the wilderness idea, ecofeminism, deep ecology, and social ecology. Students will also be exposed to important voices from social groups who are often marginalized in environmental debates such as African-Americans, Indigenous people, and the working class.

HIST 4200 Topics in United States Film and History

explores selected themes in the relationship between the American cinema and American national culture. Topics will vary from year to year, but may include the study of a particular period in U.S. film and history; an examination of how filmic representations of race, class, gender, and/or sexuality have changed over time in connection to broader historical shifts; or, the historical analysis of a particular genre as a way to understand shifting cultural and social values within the United States.

any 2000, 3000, or 4000 level course in U.S. History or Film Studies
HIST 4210-4229 (Excluding 4212, 4213, 4214, 4216, 4219, 4220 and 4222) Special Topics in North American History

are specialized studies in the history of North America. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4212 The North American Frontier

examines aspects of the history of the frontier in North America. The course will focus on major themes and debates in frontier history, including, but not limited to, the history of colonialism, settlement, and Indigenous-settler relations.

HIST 4213 Topics in U.S.-Canadian Relations

explores selected themes in U.S. - Canadian relations. Beyond considering the more ‘formal’ ties between Canada and the United States from a historical perspective, such as military and diplomatic interactions, this seminar examines social and cultural interrelationships.

HIST 4216 Topics in U.S. Cultural History

explores selected themes in U.S. cultural history. Topics will vary from year to year, but may include historical approaches to such popular art forms as vaudeville, amusements parks, film, popular music, comics, television, gaming, and spectator sports.

HIST 4219 Slavery and Resistance in the Atlantic World

examines the evolution of slavery and other forms of coerced labour in the early modern period.

HIST 4220 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment

examines the stereotypes, generalizations, and actual ways in which Indigenous peoples interacted with the environment from the pre-European contact period to the present in North America. Course topics include: conservation, preservation and overhunting of mega-fauna, bison, beaver, and other animals; ecological manipulation, despoliation, and restoration; traditional and scientific ecological knowledge; and the creation and legacy of the "Ecological Indian" ideal in literature, film, tourism and political activism.

HIST 4230 Topics in Newfoundland and Labrador History I

are specialized studies in the history of Newfoundland and Labrador to the mid-nineteenth century.

HIST 4231 Topics in Newfoundland and Labrador History II

are specialized studies in the history of Newfoundland and Labrador since the mid-nineteenth century.

HIST 4240-4260 (Excluding 4252, the former 4253, 4255) Special Topics in Canadian History

are specialized studies in Canadian history. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4252 Canada and the North

examines the ideas and historical processes that have contributed to the colonization of land and people in the Canadian North. With a primary focus on the territorial north, the course will also analyze the many ways that Dene and Inuit have resisted and adapted to colonial processes. Using film, radio documentaries, and primary documents, this course will consider themes such as pre-contact life, northern militarization, Inuit relocations, development conflicts, and environmental injustices.

HIST 4310-4330 (Excluding 4313, 4320, 4330) Special Topics in European History

are specialized studies in the history of Europe. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4313 From Rune Stones to Roxette: the History of the Nordic Countries

examines the history of the Nordic countries from the time of the Vikings to the late 20th century but focuses primarily on the early modern period onwards. Students will examine not only the various forces that influenced events and trends in the Nordic countries, but also the impact that this 'peripheral' area of Europe had on other parts of the world while also maintaining its own identity.

HIST 4320 The French Revolution

examines the causes and proximate and long-term consequences of the events of 1789 and the revolutionary period in France. The emphasis is on how the French people initiated and responded to major events but we also explore the consequences of the Revolution on French colonies and the rest of Europe. This course also provides students with the opportunity to assess how historians have explained and interpreted the events from approximately 1789-1815.

HIST 4330 Aspects of Modern British History: Victorian England

designates an industrial, urban, ostensibly democratic, country in the period when Britain was dominant in the world. 'Victoria' and 'England' are the starting points, however, for a critical examination of those characteristics in this seminar course.

a minimum of two second year History courses, or the permission of the instructor. Students who have not previously studied history beyond first year should consult with the Instructor before registering for this course.
HIST 4360-4380 Special Topics in European History: Harlow

are available only as part of the Harlow Campus semester.

HIST 4410-4430 (Excluding the former 4411, the former 4417, 4419, 4421, 4429) Historical Problems

are specialized studies in historical problems. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4419 Marx and Marxism

uses a global perspective to examine Marxist thought as a product of revolutionary struggles. Emphasis will be on the nature of the historical circumstances and the concrete problems people faced. Each week there will be a critical examination of selected works produced by and through these struggles. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

HIST 4421 Imperialism

examines the global, political, economic and cultural processes of modern imperialism and its historical antecedents. Topics considered include empire building, colonial theory, and anti-imperial resistance. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.

HIST 4427 The Great War and the Making of the Middle East

examines the downfall and partition of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War and how the modern Middle East was shaped in the war’s aftermath. Topics will include the impact of the First World War on the Ottoman Empire’s population, the perspective of Europeans, Turks, Arabs, and Jews on the empire's fall, the expansion of European empires into the region, and the rise of new states such as Syria and Iraq.

HIST 4429 Remembering War

introduces students to the concepts of private and collective memory by focussing on the relationship between memory, violence, and armed conflict. This course will explore a number themes including but not limited to ideas about citizenship, community, cross-cultural encounters, architecture, heroes and heroines, governance, modernity, masculinity, femininity, trauma, and politics.

HIST 4480 Oral History

examines the narratives of everyday people who tell their life experiences. This course focuses on the collection and analysis of oral narratives and how they can be used to illuminate the past. It considers the power of these narratives to shape constructions of the present and future for both narrators and audiences.


Folklore 4480

HIST 4500 Engaging the Environmental Humanities

- inactive course.

HIST 4520-4529 Special Topics in Economic and Mercantile History

are specialized studies in Economic and Mercantile history. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4560-4570 (Excluding 4568, 4569, 4570) Special Topics in Social and Intellectual History

are specialized studies in Social and Intellectual history. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4568 Holocaust in Historical Perspective

examines the origins of the Holocaust: the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and murder of approximately 6 million European Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945. The Nazis persecuted millions more because of their religion, nationality, political views, mental or physical impairment, or sexual orientation. The course explains the historical, social, religious, political and economic factors that cumulatively resulted in the Holocaust.

HIST 4570 History of Medicine Seminar

explores the content, methodology, and historiography of the history of medicine. Course readings reflect the broad sweep across time and geography of this field, but emphasize trends in Europe and North America during the last four centuries. Students will examine the evolution of intellectual problems that have occupied historians of medicine; explore the complexities specific to researching and writing medical history; and critique and identify differing historical genres, evidence, primary source materials, and methods.

HIST 4670-4690 (Excluding 4672) Special Topics in Maritime History

are specialized studies in Maritime history. Aspects to be studied will be posted on the Department of History website.

HIST 4672 Seafaring Lives: Sea-going Auto/Biography Since 1700

explores how life stories studied as primary sources lead to a reassessment of historian's traditional assumptions and concerns in this course. Students will research and discuss the changing, and often ambivalent, relationship of people and the sea across three centuries of auto/biographical writing and story-telling.

students who have not previously studied history beyond first year should consult with the Instructor before registering for this course
HIST 4800 Historiography

is an introduction to the major historians and historiographical traditions of the West. This course is for Honours students and other selected students, including those intending to apply for graduate studies.

permission of the Head of Department
may not be used to meet the requirements of a Major in History without the prior written approval of the Head of the Department of History
HIST 4805 Sensory Experience in History

examines the historically contingent nature of the senses and how the senses have mediated human experience. Topics will vary yearly, but the seminar will explore the relationship of the senses to the construction of human difference, to encounters, imperialism, urbanization, to conceptions of disorder and authority, and to the distribution of power and resources.

HIST 4821 Reading Course

is a directed reading course for Honours and selected students including those intending to apply for graduate studies. Readings will be taken from a list of works by historians, or social theorists whose works are related to history.

permission of the Head of Department
may not be used to meet the requirements of a Major in History without the prior written approval of the Head of the Department of History
HIST 4822 Writing History

explores the various ways in which history is written, while also discussing the variety of historiographical traditions. The course is aimed at advanced History majors, minors, and Honours students. If a student intends to complete HIST 4999, a proposal for the honours essay will be a requirement of the course.


the former HIST 4820

HIST 4830-4850 Reading Courses

are directed reading courses for selected Bachelor of Arts students.

permission of the Head of Department or delegate
HIST 4999 Honours Project

is the honours essay (or equivalent project) required as part of the honours program.


HIST 4822, admission to the Honours program


may not be used to meet the requirements of a Major in History without the prior written approval of the Head of the Department of History

AN = Additional notes.

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.