
  1. Attendance at all studio courses is considered vital to the program and will be required. Failure to attend may result in the student being dropped from the course.

  2. A student whose average in Visual Arts courses falls below 65% in any semester will be placed on probation by the Visual Arts program.

  3. A student registered beyond the first semester of the Foundation Year will be required to withdraw from the program if:

    1. The student's cumulative average in Visual Arts courses required for the program falls below 65%. or

    2. The student's average in Visual Arts courses falls below 65% in each of two consecutive semesters of enrolment in the program.

  4. A student will be denied graduation if, at the end of the final semester of the Visual Arts Program:

    1. The student's cumulative average in Visual Arts courses required for the program falls below 65%. or

    2. The students term average in Visual Arts courses falls below 65% in each of the last two consecutive semesters of enrolment in the program.

    A student denied graduation for either of these reasons will be permitted to register for Visual Arts courses without a waiting period and re-application, and is not bound by Regulation 7 below.

  5. A student who has voluntarily withdrawn from the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) program and who wishes to re-enter must re-apply by February 1st for the upcoming Fall semester, or by August 30th for the upcoming Winter semester.

  6. A student who has been required to withdraw from the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) program and who wishes to re-enter must re-apply in competition after a lapse of two semesters by February 1st for the upcoming academic year.

  7. A student who has been required to withdraw twice from the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) program shall be ineligible for further admission to the Visual Arts Program. Calculation of Visual Arts Average

  1. Promotion status within the Visual Arts program will be determined by semester or cumulative average of Visual Arts courses only.

  2. A failed Visual Arts course grade will be used to calculate the cumulative average for Visual Arts courses and the semester average for Visual Arts courses for the semester in which the fail occurs.

  3. A failed visual arts course will not be used in calculating the cumulative average for Visual Arts courses beyond the semester in which it occurred but will remain on the academic transcript. Probationary Promotion

A student whose semester average in Visual Arts courses falls below 65% will be placed on probation by the Visual Arts program. Promotion Denied

  1. A student registered beyond the first semester of 1000 level Visual Arts courses will be required to withdraw from the program if:

    1. the student's cumulative average in Visual Arts courses required for the program falls below 65% or

    2. the student's semester average in Visual Arts courses falls below 65% in each of two consecutive semesters of enrolment in the program. Graduation Denied

  1. A student will be denied graduation if, at the end of the final semester of the Visual Arts Program:

    1. the student's cumulative average in Visual Arts courses required for the program falls below 65% or

    2. the student's semester average in Visual Arts courses falls below 65% in each of their last two consecutive semesters of enrolment in the program.

A student denied graduation for either of these reasons will be permitted to register for Visual Arts courses without a waiting period and re-application, and is not bound by Regulation 7 under Attendance above.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.