11.2 Maritime Studies

Maritime Studies courses are designated by MARI.

MARI 1900 Critical Reading and Writing: Maritime Studies

exposes students to the process of critical reading and writing through the examination of a variety of texts on relevant, current issues and events in the maritime industry. Emphasis is placed on critically analyzing texts; understanding the importance of purpose, audience, word choice, and tone in writing style; effectively constructing paragraphs, essays, and reports; conducting research and incorporating effective documentation; as well as drafting, revising, and editing. All sections of this course follow CRW guidelines.

MARI 4001 The Organization and Issues of Shipping

provides students with knowledge of the economic shipping environment with respect to Canada. The course will develop an understanding of basic trade theory, patterns of trade and sea routes, commodities traded by sea, and the organizational structure of shipping companies.


the former Engineering 8065


the former MSTM 4001

MARI 4002 The Business of Shipping

provides students with an understanding of financial statements, costs, revenues and financial performance of shipping companies as well as computing, voyage and annual cashflows. The course will develop an understanding of marine insurance and forecasting, and risk management.


the former MSTM 4002


MARI 4001

MARI 4004 Marine Environmental Management

introduces students to the requirements for the safe management of the marine environment. This course will introduce major environmental problems and identify the major threats to the marine environment. It will provide a working knowledge of these threats and consider the possible counter measures that may be employed by employees in the marine industry.


the former MSTM 4004

MARI 4005 Trends and Issues in International Shipping

provides students with an understanding of how regulatory bodies and their legislation have evolved to affect the modern seafarer trading internationally. This course will develop an understanding of the various rules and regulations dealing with Classification, ISM, MAPROL, SOLAS and SIRE inspections which have to be dealt with on a daily basis at sea.


the former MSTM 4005

MARI 4006 Maritime Human Resource Management

- inactive course.

MARI 4007 Shipping Finance

focuses on commercial ship management and the critical evaluation of alternative financial decisions. It analyzes the principles of financial ship management and the impact of global economic variables on the financial operations and performance of shipping companies. The course provides an appreciation of critical questions, problems, issues and alternative approaches incorporated in shipping finance. This will support and facilitate the conduct of meaningful financial analysis and managerial decision- making for investments and fund raising in shipping business.


the former MSTM 4007

MARI 4008 Introduction to the Offshore Energy Sector

provides students with an understanding of the basic concepts of the energy sector from a marine perspective. This course will cover the energy supply chain and industry structure from upstream to downstream.


the former MSTM 4008

MARI 4101 Maritime Occupational Health and Safety (Legislation and Regulations)

provides students with the knowledge and understanding to manage the legislative framework within the workplace and show the importance of establishing a positive safety culture with specific focus on the maritime industry.


the former MSTM 4101

MARI 4102 Maritime Risk Management/Accident Incident Investigation

provides students with the knowledge of methodologies and practices needed to manage operational risk in today’s maritime industry. Risk management will be analyzed in the context of prevention and mitigation of loss resulting from health and safety, equipment, and environmental accidents and incidents. The course will further explore methodologies and practices used to investigate accident and incident occurrences in the maritime industry.


the former MSTM 4102

MARI 4103 Advanced Communications for the Maritime Sector

equips students to write a variety of formal and informal maritime-related technical documents; develops students’ capabilities in gathering and critically analysing information from technical sources and constructing a clear message; and prepares students to develop and deliver oral technical presentations.


the former MSTM 4103

MARI 4104 Integrated Management Systems in Maritime Industries

offers a firsthand knowledge of a systematic, comprehensive process for managing safety risks. A safety management system program provides for goal setting, planning, and measuring performance. It becomes part of the company’s safety culture, as well as the way people do their jobs.


the former MSTM 4104

MARI 4105 Policy and Governance in the Maritime Industry

provides the student with an understanding of the maritime industry as a global enterprise in the context of policy and governance. It will focus on the full range of the regulatory framework from the standpoint of the International Maritime Organization to the statutory regulations applicable to the Canadian maritime industry.


the former MSTM 4105

MARI 4106 Ship Operations Management

provides comprehensive knowledge of global ship management practices supporting the function of ship operations management, both ashore and at sea. This course aims to develop the student’s understanding of management issues in marine transportation as they relate to basic principles of management; management in multi-ethnic environments; managing under adverse conditions; the SOLAS Convention and the ISM and ISPS Codes; the International Labour Organization and the MLC Convention; the International Transport Federation; and, Port State Control.


the former MSTM 4106

MARI 4107 Communications and Conflict Management

provides students with the knowledge, tools and strategies to effectively manage and resolve conflicts in the workplace. The necessary communication skills taught in this course will allow students to respond to interpersonal and organizational conflicts in a collaborative manner to ensure a safe and productive workplace. Many concepts are specifically applied to safety management to demonstrate the need for effective conflict resolution skills in the maritime sector.


LEAD 4003, TECH 4120

MARI 4109 Human Factors in the Maritime Sector

addresses the application of our understanding of human characteristics to the design of equipment and environments in which people perform and learn. Framed within a maritime context, this course provides an overview of human capabilities and limitations, and how they interact with the design, use and learning of systems, controls and displays.

MARI 4110 Risk Management in the Maritime Sector

provides a solid grounding in knowledge and skills required to interpret, evaluate, communicate, and manage risk in the maritime sector. Utilizing a variety of case studies, the course covers risk assessment methodologies and provides a practical approach to conducting, reviewing, and evaluating risk assessments. The course reviews regulatory requirements and discusses the importance and challenges (including the human element) of effective risk management. Students will also conduct article reviews as part of their study.

MARI 4111 Incident/Accident Investigation in the Maritime Sector

provides a solid grounding in the knowledge and skills required to conduct a near-miss and incident / accident investigation. Utilizing a variety of case studies, the course covers incident investigation / root cause analysis methodologies and provides a framework to conduct an investigation, analyse the information, implement corrective actions, and write the investigation report. Students will also review and critique investigation reports as part of their study.

MARI 4112 Quality Systems and Organizational Management

examines the theory and application of quality management systems (QMS). It also provides direction for the integration of a QMS into an overall management system that addresses occupational health and safety as well as environment.

MARI 4113 Maritime Security Management

examines contemporary port, coastal and ocean security issues. It explores the roles of national and international agencies, international conventions, security audits, and inspections. The course also explores maritime security risk assessment methodologies that enable organizations to make organizational and operational decisions to mitigate maritime security risks. Utilizing a variety of case studies and security assessment methodologies the course will provide a practical approach to conducting, reviewing, and evaluating maritime security risk assessments.

MARI 4114 Maritime Environmental Health

focuses on the rise in the number of work-related diseases worldwide, relative to traumatic injuries, which has led to an increased focus on occupational health hazards in the workplace. Exposure to physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial and ergonomic factors as major concerns in occupational health and safety, as well as an awareness of these hazards and the associated health effects as an important step in their recognition and control, will also be covered.

MARI 4101 or the former MSTM 4101
MARI 4115 Safety Management in the Commercial Fish Harvesting Sector

will examine safety management issues existing within the global and, more specifically, the Canadian fishing industry; the safety management systems being employed within the Canadian sector to address these issues; and how international and domestic safety standards and regulations both influence, and are influenced by, investigations into fishing vessel incidents and the resulting recommendations.

MARI 4110
MARI 4116 Statistics: Maritime Studies

introduces students to scientific approaches to consuming and designing research as well as presenting data visually and numerically. This course introduces students to statistical software to aid in professionally presenting data. Examples are framed within a maritime context.

Statistics 1510, Statistics 2500, TECH 4025

AN = Additional notes.

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.