5.6 Courses
- ALA 6100 Arts Management
- ALA 6101 Literary Production
- ALA 6102 Literary Adaptations
- ALA 6103 Anthology Building
- ALA 6104 Children’s Literature and Market Politics
- ALA 6105 Fan Cultures and Fan Studies
- ALA 6106 Film in Theory, Film in Practice
- ALA 6107 Documentary Film: Theory and Practice
- ALA 6108 Life Writing
- ALA 6109 Literature and Industry
- ALA 6110 Literary Tourism
- ALA 6111 Magazine Writing
- ALA 6112 Print Culture
- ALA 6113 Asian Literature in the Diaspora and in Translation: Memorials, Museums, and Dark Tourism
- ALA 6114 Literature and Aging
- ALA 6115 Writing and Publishing
- ALA 6116 Songwriting and Music Production
- ALA 6117 Early Canadian Literature: Recovering and Reassessing
- ALA 6200 Introduction to Playwriting
- ALA 6201 Introduction to Dramaturgy
- ALA 6202 How to Start a Small Theatre Company
- ALA 6300 Introduction to Information Management: Principles and Practices
- ALA 6301 Cultural and Heritage Tourism Development
- ALA 6302 Culinary Tourism
- ALA 6303 Special Interest Tourism
- ALA 6304 Introduction to Curatorial and Museum Studies
- ALA 6500 Internship (6 credit hours)
- ALA 6501 Major Research Project (6 credit hours)
- ALA 6502 – 6515 Special Topics in Applied Literary Arts
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