11.3 Technology

Technology courses are designated by TECH.

TECH 4010 Assessment and Implementation of Technology

examines the effects of technology on the physical, socio-economic, historic, cultural and aesthetic environments. The course also addresses relevant legislation, the generation and evaluation of project/product alternatives, and the prediction, verification and mitigation of technological effects.


the former MSTM 4010

TECH 4012 Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and Management

introduces students to occupational health and safety issues in a technical/industrial context. Students will gain a knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework surrounding occupational health and safety, the assignment of responsibilities in the workplace, the management of occupational health and safety in the workplace and the importance of establishing a positive safety culture.


the former MSTM 4012

TECH 4013 Structure and Functions of Technology-based Organizations

focuses on the emergence of technology-based companies and how to implement methods to increase their organizational effectiveness. This course will concentrate on the integration of three basic frameworks which include the study of technological economics and organizational progression, structural configurations and operations, and universal and contemporary approaches to organizational design. In addition, it will examine the challenges of change that face highly dynamic industries: individual and organizational change, technological change, and national and global change.


LEAD 4005, the former MSTM 4013

TECH 4014 Technology and the Environment

helps students critically examine technology and the environment and how the two are linked. Topics may include how technology is both the cause of and solution to many environmental problems, the greenhouse effect, renewable energy vs. fossil fuels, recycling vs. landfills, the efficiency paradox, geo-engineering, and other select current topics.


the former MSTM 4014

TECH 4015 Technological Entrepreneurship

surveys technological entrepreneurship via examples of both successful and failed businesses in technological fields. By examining cases of entrepreneurship, this course will examine challenges and opportunities facing technological entrepreneurs.


LEAD 4002, the former MSTM 4015

TECH 4016 Technological Problem Solving

- inactive course.

TECH 4017 Technical Operations Management

introduces students to the area of operations management as it pertains to technology companies. Operations is generally considered the process by which an organization converts inputs such as labour and material into outputs such as goods or services. This course will examine how to manage the processes with a particular emphasis on operations in technology-based companies. Topics may include operations based strategy, processes and technology, capacity and facilities planning, and supply chain management.


the former MSTM 4017

TECH 4019 Research Methods

examines the fundamental steps in the process of doing research. It will provide students with the necessary information and tools to conduct technical research and communicate their findings. This course will examine how to define a research project, how to prepare a research proposal, how to select a research methodology, how to collect and analyze data and information, and how to prepare a research project report.


the former MSTM 4019


one of TECH 4060 or the former MSTM 4060, one of TECH 4040 or the former MSTM 4040, and TECH 4025 or Statistics 1510 or 2500 or equivalent

TECH 4020 Economic Management for Technologists

provides an introduction to the economics of technological projects. Students will study the mathematics of money, cost composition, and project evaluation, including cost comparison. They will also learn to analyse projects for decision making, including risk assessment and replacement analysis. In addition, they will learn to use suitable criteria for project selection, and to conduct sensitivity analysis.


Engineering 4102


the former MSTM 4020

TECH 4025 Applied Statistics

enables the student to use descriptive statistics to report data findings, to make statistical inferences using appropriate data analysis, and to use, and interpret the output from, statistical software.


MARI 4116, Statistics 1510, Statistics 2500


the former MSTM 4025

TECH 4030 Technology in the Human Context

examines technology in the historical context and technology in the modern era. Students will discuss human insights, innovation, the interactions between development and technology transfer, ethics and professionalism and how to develop a technology value system.


the former MSTM 4030

TECH 4040 Project Management for Technologists

introduces the student to the interdisciplinary field of project management. The course covers the interpersonal skills necessary to successfully lead or work effectively within a project team as well as providing an overview of certain planning and scheduling tools and techniques necessary for the planning and monitoring of projects.


LEAD 4001, the former MSTM 4040

TECH 4050 Introduction to Quality Management

provides students with an understanding of the philosophy and concepts involved in the total quality approach to quality management. The course covers the various tools and techniques used in quality management as well as providing an overview of the role of management.


the former MSTM 4050

TECH 4055 Marine Renewable Energy

provides students with an overview of MRE resources, introduces current and emerging technologies to exploit MRE resources, and places these technologies in context with environmental, political, and economic constraints.


the former MSTM 4055

TECH 4060 Advanced Technical Communications

enhances the technical communication skills of students. The course content examines technical writing fundamentals; information gathering, analysis, and documentation; proposal preparation; technical document applications; technical report preparation; graphics preparation; and technical presentations. The course will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop proposals, reports, and presentations for technical projects.


LEAD 4004, the former MSTM 4060

TECH 4070 Special Topics in Technology

provides the opportunity for students to maintain technical currency through a review of recent advances in technology and their application to particular technical areas.


the former MSTM 4070

TECH 4080 Maintenance Management

provides an introduction to maintenance management systems, to devise maintenance strategies and to utilize risk management strategies using statistical analysis and computerized maintenance management systems.

TECH 4090 Introduction to Technology

provides a broad survey of practices critical to operating a technology-based business. Topics covered may include an introduction to technology management, historical developments in the management of technology, the functions of technology management, and select current topics that are relevant to operating technology-based businesses.


the former MSTM 4090

TECH 4110 Health Care Management

provides an introduction to health care management. Students will study leadership, change management, strategic planning, quality, and teamwork. They will also learn to analyze and examine health care related case studies. In addition, they will learn to research and analyze current health management issues which exist.

TECH 4111 Health Information Management and Technology

- inactive course.

TECH 4120 Conflict Management and Communication Strategies

provides participants with an understanding of the basic principles of conflict resolution, negotiation, and effective communication and interpersonal skills to investigate and solve problems and manage conflicts within the workplace.


MARI 4107


LEAD 4003

TECH 4130 Technology Enabling the Blue Economy

introduces students to the Blue Economy by examining policies, recent events, and academic literature. Students will learn about the Blue Economy as it relates to industry, governments, and the environment.

TECH 4400 Technological Assessment Project

provides students with the opportunity to conduct an assessment and implementation plan of a technical project in their area of interest. Students will utilize the knowledge that they have obtained in the required courses and incorporate this knowledge into a final project paper.


the former MSTM 410A/B, the former MSTM 4000, the former MSTM 4100, the former MSTM 4200, and the former Technology 4000


the former MSTM 4400


one of TECH 4019 or the former MSTM 4019

AN = Additional notes.

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.