5.5 Evaluation
Students in the Master of Applied Literary Arts degree must obtain a grade of B or better in all program courses and their Major Research Project or Thesis.
Students who receive a grade of less than B in a program course may be permitted to remain in the program, provided the course or an equivalent is taken and passed with a grade of B or better. A maximum of two such repetitions shall be permitted in the student’s graduate program; after this point, the student shall be required to withdraw from the program.
The Major Research Project and Thesis will be assessed by the supervisor and two other faculty members from the Master of Applied Literary Arts, or by a faculty member in a cognate discipline and/or the community or university partner, in such cases as there is one. The written portion of the project must evidence both critical and applied aspects of the project and must evidence reflection on the applied process.
In advance of the final project, students are required to submit a short project proposal (due in mid-October) and a longer project proposal (due the end of the first term), both of which will be graded on a pass/fail scale by the faculty supervisor assigned by the Graduate Officer in consultation with the professor and student. Students will not be required to register for the proposal, but the proposal must be passed by the supervisor before the student can register for the Major Research Project or Thesis in the second term.
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