40.4 Programs of Study

There are two routes offered that lead to a Master of Science in Nursing Degree: the Master of Science in Nursing, Practicum Option and the Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Practitioner Option. In addition to the M.Sc.N. Degree program, the Faculty of Nursing also offers a Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Post Master’s Nurse Practitioner).

40.4.1 Practicum Option

  1. Students must complete an approved program of study consisting of a minimum of 24 credit hours in graduate program courses and 6 credit hours in practicum courses.

    • Required courses:
      • 6011 Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
      • 6012 Statistics for Advanced Nursing Practice
      • 6013 Research Methods in Nursing
      • 6221 Population-based Nursing (equivalent to N6220 and N6230)
      • 6240 Nursing Individuals and Families Through Life Transitions (equivalent to N6200 and N6210)
      • 6250 Writing for Advanced Nursing Practice
      • 6260 Knowledge Translation in Nursing
      • 6270 Leading Change in Nursing
    • The following practicum courses:
      • 6660 Practicum 1
      • 6661 Practicum 2
  2. The program of each student shall be approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing.

40.4.2 Nurse Practitioner Option

  1. Students must complete an approved program of studies consisting of a minimum of 45 credit hours in graduate program courses including an integrated clinical practice experience, comprising 24 credit hours.

    • Required courses:
      • 6011 Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
      • 6012 Statistics for Advanced Nursing Practice
      • 6013 Research Methods in Nursing
      • 6014 Leadership for Nurse Practitioners
      • 6250 Writing for Advanced Nursing Practice
      • 6707 Roles and Issues Part 1 (1 credit hour)
      • 6708 Roles and Issues Part 2 (1 credit hour)
      • 6709 Roles and Issues Part 3 (1 credit hour)
      • 6803 Advanced Health Assessment and Differential Diagnosing and Clinical Practicum 1 (4 credit hours)
      • 6804 Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Part 1 and Clinical Practicum 2 (4 credit hours)
      • 6805 Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Part 2 and Clinical Practicum 3 (4 credit hours)
      • 6806 Advanced Clinical Decision-making and Clinical Practicum 4 (4 credit hours)
      • 6807 Advanced Clinical Decision-making (Part 2) and Clinical Practicum 5 (4 credit hours)
      • 6808 Consolidated Clinical Practicum 6 (10 credit hours)
  2. The program of each student shall be approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing.

  3. The maximum time frame from commencement of the first NP specific course until program completion shall normally be no longer than 3 years.

  4. Students must complete the required clinical hours per course in order to progress in the program and they must complete the required clinical hours for each life stage (for example, children, pregnancy, older adult) by the end of N6808 in order to complete the Nurse Practitioner Option.

  5. Students will be given the opportunity to request their clinical placements in particular locations. While efforts will be made to accommodate requests, students may be assigned to any participating site within Newfoundland and Labrador. Accommodations, travel expenses, and other costs related to the clinical placement are the responsibility of the student.

40.4.3 Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Post Master’s Nurse Practitioner)

  1. Students with a Master's degree in Nursing or an equivalent degree with a nursing focus must complete an approved program of study consisting of a minimum of 33 credit hours in graduate program courses and integrated clinical practice experience, comprising 24 credit hours.

    • Required courses:
      • 6014 Leadership for Nurse Practitioners
      • 6707 Roles and Issues Part 1 (1 credit hour)
      • 6708 Roles and Issues Part 2 (1 credit hour)
      • 6709 Roles and Issues Part 3 (1 credit hour)
      • 6803 Advanced Health Assessment and Differential Diagnosing and Clinical Practicum 1 (4 credit hours)
      • 6804 Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Part 1 and Clinical Practicum 2 (4 credit hours)
      • 6805 Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Part 2 and Clinical Practicum 3 (4 credit hours)
      • 6806 Advanced Clinical Decision-making and Clinical Practicum 4 (4 credit hours)
      • 6807 Advanced Clinical Decision-making (Part 2) and Clinical Practicum 5 (4 credit hours)
      • 6808 Consolidated Clinical Practicum 6 (10 credit hours)
  2. Programs for some students may exceed the above minimum requirements.

  3. The program for each student shall be approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing.

  4. The maximum time frame from commencement of the first NP specific course until program completion shall normally be no longer than 3 years.

  5. Students must complete the required clinical hours per course in order to progress in the program and they must complete the required clinical hours for each life stage (for example, children, pregnancy, older adult) by the end of N6808 in order to complete the program.

  6. Students will be given the opportunity to request their clinical placements in particular locations. While efforts will be made to accommodate requests, students may be assigned to any participating site within Newfoundland and Labrador. Accommodations, travel expenses, and other costs related to the clinical placement are the responsibility of the student.

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