13.14 Folklore
In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, contact the appropriate Dean of the School.
Folklore 1000 is the prerequisite for all other courses in Folklore, except Folklore 1050, Folklore 1060 and those courses cross-listed with other subject areas.
Folklore courses are designated by FOLK.
FOLK 1000 Introduction to Folklore
explores the role of tradition in communication, art and society. Reading assignments and audiovisual material will emphasize the use of folklore in context. Students will analyse traditions in their own lives through special assignments.
FOLK 2100 Folklore and Qualitative Research Methods
introduces the resources, tools and methods that folklorists use for primary and secondary research, including interviewing and participant observation.
FOLK 1000
FOLK 2230 Newfoundland Society and Culture
is the Sociology and Anthropology of the Island of Newfoundland. The focus is on social and cultural aspects of contemporary island Newfoundland.
Sociology/Anthropology 2230
not applicable towards the Major or Minor in Anthropology
FOLK 2300 Newfoundland Folklore
is survey of the various types of Folklore: tale, song, rhyme, riddle, proverb, belief, custom, childlore and others, with stress on their function in the Newfoundland community culture. Individual collection and analysis of materials from the students' home communities, supplemented by data from the this University's Folklore and Language Archive.
the former FOLK 3420
Anthropology 2300
not applicable towards the Major or Minor in Anthropology
FOLK 2401 Folklife Studies
is an examination of the traditional cultures of Europe and North America with special reference to Newfoundland. A selection of the following areas will be covered: settlement patterns, architecture, work and leisure patterns in the folk community, calendar customs, rites of passage, folk religion, folk medicine, language and folk culture, folk costume, foodways and folk art.
FOLK 2500 Oral Literature from Around the World
focuses on the analysis of folk literature, and may include the genres of narrative, poetry, song, drama, and speech from various countries and regions. Textual, comparative, and contextual methods of analysis will be introduced. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS
the former English 3400, the former FOLK 3400, the former Sociology/Anthropology 3400
Anthropology 2500
FOLK 3130 Greek and Roman Mythology
is a comparative study of specific myths and folktales of Greece and Rome as embodied in the literary and artistic remains of the ancient world with reference to their origins and their influence on later art and literature.
Classics 3130
FOLK 3200 Folksong
is an introduction to the full range of traditional verse, song and music. Stress primarily on the songs of Canada, the United States and the British Isles, with attention to Newfoundland parallels. Examination of traditional vocal and instrumental styles as well as verse forms. Some reference to non-Western musical traditions. A knowledge of music is not a prerequisite.
FOLK 3300 Folk Drama
is a survey of the main forms of traditional drama found in Great Britain and North America with reference to related European and non-western traditions. The origins, history and regional variations of these forms will be considered together with questions of social function, performance and aesthetics. The history of research in the area of folk drama will be examined along with related methodological and theoretical issues.
FOLK 3450 Language and Play
is an examination of such forms as the rhyme, riddle, proverb and proverbial saying, game, etc. Emphasis on problems of function and classification. Material will be chiefly from the British and North American traditions. Collecting will be encouraged.
FOLK 3850 Material Culture
is an introduction to the study of material culture and the question of why objects are important to us. Using folklore and interdisciplinary approaches, we will look at objects as cultural products, question the influence of objects on behaviours, and address the role of objects in historical and ethnographic research.
Archaeology 3850
FOLK 3920 Folklore, Education and Community
is intended to familiarize students with the function of Folklore in the educational process. Emphasis will be on cultural transmission, cultural learning and child training practices (including mechanisms of social control.) The relationship of formal to informal education will be examined with particular reference to Newfoundland.
FOLK 3930 Folklore and Popular Culture
is an introduction to the study of popular culture, the folk/popular continuum, and the role of folklore in media such as film, television, music, and art.
FOLK 4300 Folklore of Canada
is an examination of a variety of Canadian folklore from historical, geographical and cultural perspectives. Emphasis will be placed upon the application of theories of Canadian culture to folklore studies. Questions of the role of folklore and folklife with respect to identity, ethnicity, multiculturalism, national literature, regionalism and similar issues will be considered.
FOLK 4440 Music and Culture
is traditional music as an aspect of human behaviour in Western and non-European cultures. Examination of the functions and uses of music; folk-popular-art music distinctions; and the relation of style to content. Outside reading, class exercises and individual reports will be required.
not applicable towards the Major or Minor in Anthropology
FOLK 4480 Oral History
examines the narratives of everyday people who tell their life experiences. This course focuses on the collection and analysis of oral narratives and how they can be used to illuminate the past. It considers the power of these narratives to shape constructions of the present and future for both narrators and audiences.
History 4480
AN = Additional notes. AR = Attendance requirement as noted. CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours. CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described. CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent. Credit is limited to one of these courses. Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination. Credit is limited to one of these courses. These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. |
LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted. LH = Laboratory hours per week. OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars. PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described. UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted. |
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.