11.4 Courses
11.4.1 Core Courses
- AI 6000 AI Foundations
- AI 6001 Topics in AI
- AI 6002 Artificial Intelligence Capstone
- COMP 6901 Applied Algorithms
- COMP 6915 Introduction to Machine Learning
- COMP 6980 Algorithmic Techniques for Artificial Intelligence
- ENGI 9818 Software Fundamentals
11.4.2 Elective Courses
- COMP 6907 Data Mining Techniques and Methodologies
- COMP 6912 Autonomous Robotics
- COMP 6934 Introduction to Data Visualization
- COMP 6981 Data preparation techniques
- COMP 6936 Advanced Machine Learning
- DSCI 6601 Practical Machine Learning
- DSCI 6602 Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence or MATH 6205 Deep Learning
- ENGI 9804 Image Processing and Applications
- ENGI 9805 Computer Vision or COMP 6982 Computer Vision
- ENGI 9821 Digital Signal Processing
- ENGI 9826 Advanced Control Systems
- ENGI 9940 Advanced Robotics
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