36.2 Program and Degree Requirements

  1. The program of a student for the Master of Science in Human Kinetics and Recreation shall be the responsibility of the Supervisory Committee, which shall normally be composed of the Supervisor and at least one other faculty member recommended with the concurrence of the Supervisor by the Dean of the School, or delegate.

  2. Students for the Master of Science in Human Kinetics and Recreation shall be required to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours plus a thesis. HKR 6000 and HKR 6001 are normally required for all students. In addition, all on-campus students shall be required to complete two semester-length seminars represented by registration and successful completion of HKR 6314 (a non-credit, repeatable course) in each of the first two semesters during their tenure in the program. Off-campus or part-time students who cannot attend the on-campus seminar series can substitute 24 hours of participation in (over their two-year tenure) and one presentation at national, provincial or regional conferences, workshops, professional development seminars, or equivalent activities. The remaining course requirements will be selected, in agreement with the supervisor and/or Supervisory Committee, to reflect the Human Kinetics and Recreation areas of specializations offered with the School.

  3. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange regular meetings with their supervisor and/or supervisory committee. An annual report, prepared by the Supervisor and signed by all members of the Supervisory Committee and the student, is submitted to the Dean of the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation (or delegate) as required by the School of Graduate Studies.

  4. Depending on the background of the student or the student's area of intended specialization, a student's program may be modified. Such modifications may include a reduction in course requirements where a student demonstrates that the student brings graduate level competency to their program in specific areas, or may include additional graduate or undergraduate courses, as specified by the student's supervisor and/or Supervisory Committee. A minimum of three courses or 9 credit hours completed in the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation is mandatory.

  5. A student completing a Master of Science in Human Kinetics and Recreation will be required to present a thesis proposal for the student's proposed thesis normally by the end of the third semester of study. The thesis proposal shall normally consist of a full written proposal (including literature review) submitted to the Thesis Proposal Committee, a summary to be distributed to graduate students and faculty one week prior to the presentation and a formal presentation. The student may be questioned on the student's proposal by the Thesis Proposal Committee and audience. Any deficiencies noted during the presentation should be carefully considered by the student and the Thesis Proposal Committee prior to proceeding with the thesis.

  6. All graduate students are expected to attend and participate in the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation seminars and thesis proposal presentations.

  7. In conjunction and collaboration with other Faculties and Schools of Memorial University of Newfoundland, students may pursue their special interests through electives from departments/schools outside the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation. These courses must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies in the preceding semester.

  8. Students may apply for transfer course credits. All course transfers require the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies, on the recommendation of the Dean of the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, and are subject to General Regulations, Transfer of Course Credits of the School of Graduate Studies.

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