4.7 Evaluation
For interdisciplinary programs, the Head of the academic unit is the Dean or Director of the Faculty/School administering the program.
4.7.1 Evaluation Methods and Grading
Students shall write their examinations in graduate courses at a time to be determined by the Head of the academic unit on the recommendation of the Faculty member(s) concerned.
A written copy of the course outline, including method of evaluation in the course, shall be provided to each student in the course as early as possible, and in any case not later than two weeks after the start of the course.
The final evaluation submitted to the Registrar shall consist of one of the letter grades with the appropriate numerical equivalent outlined in the table below.
Supplementary examinations are not permitted.
Letter Grades | Numeric Grades | Points Per Credit Hour |
A | 80-100% | 4 |
B | 65-79% | 3 |
C | 55-64% | 2 |
D | 50-54% | 1 |
F | below 50% | 0 |
PWD (pass with distinction) - indicates excellent performance | no numeric grade | not applicable |
PAS (pass) - indicates performance meets expectations | no numeric grade | not applicable |
FAL (fail) - indicates failing performance | no numeric grade | not applicable |
DR (drop) - drop without academic prejudice | no numeric grade | not applicable |
DRF (drop fail) - drop with academic prejudice | 0% | 0 |
ABS (absent) - absent for acceptable cause | no numeric grade | not applicable |
INC (incomplete) - incomplete pending final grade | no numeric grade | not applicable |
REX (re-examination) | no numeric grade | not applicable |
4.7.2 Evaluation of Graduate Students
Failure to attain a final passing grade of 'A' or 'B' in a program course shall lead to termination of a student's program unless:
the regulations for a particular degree allow the student to repeat the course. Only one such repeat will be permitted in a student's program. Failure to obtain a grade of 'A' or 'B' in the repeated course shall lead to termination of the student's program.
the Dean of Graduate Studies approves a repeat of the course, upon the recommendation of the Supervisor and the Supervisory Committee supported by the Head of the academic unit, where 1.a. above does not apply. Such recommendations must provide sufficient grounds for a repeat. Only one such repeat will be permitted in a student's program. Failure to obtain a grade of 'A' or 'B' in the repeated course shall lead to termination of the student's program.
In exceptional circumstances, the Dean of Graduate Studies may approve a substitute course in place of the repeat upon the recommendation of the Supervisory Committee and Supervisor supported by the Head of the academic unit. Failure to obtain a grade of 'A' or 'B' in the substituted course shall lead to termination of the student's program.
Failure in a non-program course will not normally result in termination of a student's program.
The Supervisor and the Supervisory Committee may recommend that a student be required to withdraw from the program, if after consultation with the student, the student's non-course work is deemed to have fallen below a satisfactory level.
When Departmental requirements for a degree requires an examination of a student's reading knowledge of a language(s) other than English, the examination shall be set and marked by the appropriate language Department, or by an authority as determined by the Head of the academic unit and Dean. The results of the examination will be transmitted to the student by the Dean.
4.7.3 Deferral of Examinations
Graduate students who are prevented by illness, bereavement or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated, from writing final examinations may apply, with supporting documents within one week of the original examination date to the appropriate Head of the academic unit to have their examinations deferred.
The Department's decision, including information on the appeals route open to the student in the case of a negative decision, must be communicated in writing to the student and to the Dean of Graduate Studies within one week of the receipt of the student's complete application.
In those cases where the Department accepts the extenuating circumstances the student may be permitted to write a deferred examination or, with the consent of both the Department and the student, the grade submitted may be based on term work alone.
An interim grade of 'ABS' will be assigned by the academic unit in the case of a student granted a deferred examination. This grade will be replaced by the final grade which must be received by the Office of the Registrar within one week following the commencement of classes in the next academic semester or session.
Students who are prevented by illness or bereavement or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated, from writing a deferred examination, may apply, in writing, with supporting documents within one week of the scheduled date of the deferred examination to the appropriate Department Head to have the examination postponed to a time not later than the last date for examinations in the semester following that in which the student was enrolled in the course.
The Department's decision, including information on the appeals route open to the student in the case of a negative decision, must be communicated to the Registrar, to the student and to the Dean of Graduate Studies within one week of the receipt of the student's complete application.
4.7.4 Incomplete Grades/Change of Grade
For good cause a grade of 'Incomplete' may, with the approval of the appropriate Department or academic unit, be submitted. This 'Incomplete' grade shall, however, be valid only for one week following the commencement of classes in the next academic session as stated in the University Diary. In the event that a mark has not been received by the Registrar within the prescribed deadline, the 'Incomplete' grade shall be changed to '0 F'.
Clause 1. notwithstanding, for acceptable cause an extension of time not exceeding the end of the semester following that in which the 'Incomplete' was given may be permitted by the Head of the academic unit. "Acceptable cause" in these cases must be duly authenticated and will be illness, bereavement, serious problems of a personal nature or the like.
Changes in grades for graduate courses must be submitted on the appropriate form, which must be signed by the course instructor and approved by the Head of the appropriate academic unit who will submit such changes to the Registrar.
A grade of less than 65% cannot be changed without the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies.
4.7.5 Re-Reading of Examination Papers
Students may apply to have a final examination paper re-read whether or not they have obtained a passing grade in that course.
Students who wish to have a final examination paper re-read must make written application to the Registrar enclosing the appropriate fee per paper within one month of the release by the University of the grade reports. If the mark is raised after re-reading, the fee is refunded. If the mark is unchanged or lowered, the fee is forfeited.
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