13.4 Courses
Course descriptions are available at www.mun.ca/educ/current-students/graduate/course-and-registration-information.
- French 6800 Francophone Literatures: Theory and practice
- French 6810 Francophone Cultures: Theory and practice
- French 6820 Children’s and Young Adult Literature: Theory and Practice
- Education 6100 Research Designs and Methods in Education
- Education 6390 Research and Development Seminar in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies
- Education 6392 Project in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studies (6 credit hours)
- Education 6668 Current Issues in Second Language Education
- Education 6669 Graduate Seminar in Second Language Teaching and Learning
- Education 6673 Second Language Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (credit may not be obtained for both Education 6673 and the former 6665 or 6667)
- Education 6674 Research in Second Language
- Other courses offered for the Master of Education program and the Master of Arts in French Studies program as deemed appropriate by the Administrative Committee.
- French 6800 Littératures francophones: Théorie et pratique
- French 6810 Cultures francophones: Théorie et pratique
- French 6820 Littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse: Théorie et pratique
- Education 6100 Research Designs and Methods in Education
- Education 6390 Research and Development Seminar in Teaching and Learning Studies
- Education 6392 Project in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Studiés (6 crédits heures)
- Education 6668 Current Issues in Second Language Education
- Education 6669 Graduate Seminar in Second Language Education
- Education 6673 Second Language Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (les étudiants ne peuvent recevoir de credit et pour Education 6673 et pour Education 6665 ou 6667)
- Education 6674 Research in Second Language
- Autres cours de cycle supérieur offerts par la Faculté d’Éducation et le Département d’études françaises et hispaniques jugés appropriés par le Comité administrative.
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