13.13 Environmental Science
Environmental Science courses are designated by ENVS.
ENVS 3110 Taxonomy of Flowering Plants
is a study of the biodiversity of flowering vascular plants (Magnoliophyta) through the practical identification of Newfoundland families, genera, and species. Related taxonomic and biogeographical principles will be stressed.
the former Biology 3041
3 laboratory periods of integrated practice and theory
Students must submit a collection of flowering plants identified to the species level. Detailed instructions should be obtained from the instructor in the spring/summer prior to the commencement of this course.
ENVS 3130 Freshwater Ecology
is the study of freshwater ecosystems (lakes, rivers, streams, peatlands). Included are abiotic components, community structures, energy flow, biogeochemical cycles, and the evolution of natural and altered aquatic ecosystems. Emphasis will be placed on field and laboratory studies of the ecology of freshwater organisms and systems in western Newfoundland.
ENVS 3131 Impacted Terrestrial Ecosystems
is an examination of ecological and evolutionary responses by organisms in terrestrial ecosystems to human-derived and natural perturbations. Advanced conceptual, empirical and experimental approaches will be used, with an emphasis on sampling local habitats.
ENVS 4132 Analytical Ecology
provides a foundation in univariate and multivariate statistical procedures, and applies this understanding to the critical analysis of scientific literature dealing with community, ecosystem and landscape ecology.
ENVS 4133 Conservation Biology
will bring together the principles of ecology and conservation Biology at an advanced level. Current issues and techniques will be discussed with an aim towards understanding how populations of native flora and fauna can be managed for long-term conservation in the face of habitat degradation and loss.
three-hour laboratory/discussion group
ENVS 4140 Environmental Science Field Course
is a course providing practical experience in the observation, collection, identification and quantification of organisms and the various environmental parameters which affect them in pristine and disturbed habitats. Combinations of freshwater, marine and terrestrial habitats will be studied using techniques from various scientific disciplines. The actual combination of habitats, organisms, and techniques will vary from year to year.
13.13.2 Environmental Chemistry
In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the appropriate Dean of the School.
ENVS 3210 Environmental Analytical Chemistry I
involves the treatment of data, error analysis, wet methods of analysis of laboratory and field samples. Volumetric methods for acidity, alkalinity and hardness; chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD). Gravimetric methods for sulphate and phosphates. Theory and application of specific ion electrodes analysis of metal ions, dissolved gases and halide ions. Turbidimetric and nephelometric measures of water quality. Spectrophotometric analysis of trace metal ions.
ENVS 3211 Environmental Analytical Chemistry II
discusses the theory and application of spectroscopic methods of analysis (including error analysis) of environmentally important compounds. Spectrophotometric, FTIR, light scattering, chromatographic (GC, GC/MS, HPLC), fluorescence, phosphorescence, atomic absorption and electroanalytical methods will be studied. Synthetic laboratory samples and field samples will be examined by these techniques.
ENVS 3260 Industrial Chemistry
examines chemical principles used in the manufacture of inorganic and organic chemical products; electrochemical, petrochemical, polymer, pulp and paper, agricultural, cement, cosmetics, detergent and paint industries. Processes, specific pollutants of current interest: inorganic (e.g. mercury, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides gases, lead etc.) and organic (e.g. PCBs, chlorinated hydrocarbons, freons, pesticides/herbicides). Industrial sources and analytical methods of detection will be studied.
ENVS 3261 Atmospheric Chemistry
provides a comprehensive study of the chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere. Beginning with an overview of planetary atmospheres, we follow the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere until today. Atmospheric chemical processes are interpreted from the perspectives of chemical kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, molecular orbital theory, and molecular spectroscopy. The mechanisms of stratospheric reactions are studied in the context of the ozone layer, while those of the troposphere are linked to the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ and aspects of pollution. The very different upper-atmosphere chemistry is also studied.
Chemistry 3261
ENVS 3262 Environmental Biogeochemistry
introduces students to the biological, chemical, and geological processes underpinning carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, iron, manganese, and phosphorus cycling. Using real-world examples, this course provides an in-depth examination of the interplay between the different processes governing biogeochemical cycles within soils/sediments and along the aquatic continuum. Topics may also include early earth biogeochemistry, methods in biogeochemistry, and the role of spatial/ temporal variability and climate change on earth’s biogeochemical cycles.
ENVS 4230 Aquatic Chemistry I
introduces the thermodynamics and kinetics of model systems. Acids and bases (including buffer intensity and neutralizing capacity), dissolved gases, precipitation and dissolution. Metal ions in aqueous solution. Redox control in natural waters. Pourbaix diagrams. Regulation of chemical composition of natural waters, pollution and water quality.
ENVS 4249 Environmental Organic Chemistry
focuses on anthropogenic sources of organic chemicals and pollutants in the environment. Concepts of organic chemistry (synthesis, structure, physical properties, chirality, industrial organic processes), biological chemistry (enzymes, oxidative pathways) and physical chemistry (equilibria, partitioning) extended and applied to mass transport through soil, water and air. Kinetics and mechanisms of chemical, photochemical and biological degradation and conversion of organics. Structure-reactivity relationships for organic chemicals and degradation intermediates in the environment.
ENVS 1000 Introduction to Environmental Science
is an introduction to the study of the environment. Environmental principles, issues and problems will be described and placed in a historical and societal context.
ENVS 2000 Sampling Methods in Environmental Science
introduces students to common field and laboratory techniques and monitoring practices in environmental science, in an interdisciplinary manner. The importance of field sampling and equipment used in field and laboratory for environmental monitoring of aquatic and terrestrial systems will be the main focus, incorporating aspects of biology, chemistry and earth science. Modules will be a mixture of field work, laboratory work, and lectures.
ENVS 2360 Geological Hazards and Natural Disasters
will introduce students to the geological aspects of the natural environment and the impacts that natural geological processes and phenomena may have on humanity. The impact of geological hazards and natural disasters on human society and behaviour will be examined through case studies.
ENVS 2369 Introduction to Soils
provides a broad background knowledge about soils. Topics covered include: the origin of soils; physical, biochemical, and engineering aspects of soils; influence on humans and their food production; soil pollution and degradation; and management and conservation of soils.
ENVS 2370 Global Environmental Change
is a survey of the Earth as a dynamic system. Discussion of interacting cycles that define the Earth's environment. Material cycles and energy concepts. Evolution of the atmosphere in response to lithospheric, biospheric and hydrospheric changes. Major global environmental changes from Earth's formation to present. Emphasis on self-regulating ability of the Earth system.
ENVS 2430 Energy and the Environment
considers energy, energy conversion, heat transfer, the laws of thermodynamics, nuclear processes and radiation. Practical problems such as the energy shortage, human influences on climate, resource extraction, nuclear power etc. will be discussed.
ENVS 3000 Principles of Environmental Toxicology
introduces students to the field of toxicology through the understanding of processes that include absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of toxic substances; and provides an overview of the history and development of ecotoxicology. An emphasis is placed on contemporary examples of toxic substances and their effects on biological systems and the environment.
ENVS 3072 Comparative Marine Environments
will investigate the physical, chemical, geological and biological characteristics of the major marine environments from the coastal zone to the abyss and from the equator to the poles. The objective of the course will be an integrated study of the parameters that define the various environments. Emphasis will be placed on the interaction of organism and environment. The influence of the environment on the form, function and behaviour or organisms and the influence of the organism in modification of the physical environment will be stressed.
ENVS 3470 Transport Phenomena
is fundamentals of fluid flow. Conservation laws for mass, momentum, and energy. Dimensional analysis. Turbulence. Confined fluid flows. Fundamentals of heat transfer. Conduction, convention, and radiation. Diffusion, dispersion, and osmosis. Applications to transport of pollutants at the microscopic and macroscopic scale.
ENVS 4000 Environmental Science Seminar
reviews current topics in environmental science and discusses in a seminar format. Seminars will be presented on current research and environmental issues by faculty, students and guest speakers from universities, government and industry.
ENVS 4069 Fundamentals of Soil Systems
is the physics, chemistry and Biology of soil, including inorganic soil components, chemistry of organic soil matter, soil equilibria, sorption phenomena on soils, ion exchange processes, kinetics of soil processes, redox chemistry of soils, soil acidity, saline and sodic soils, organic pollutants, trace and toxic elements in soils, soil organisms, organic matter cycling, nutrient cycling and fertility, soil conservation and sustainable agriculture.
not more than six hours per week
not more than six hours per week. The laboratory will cover a number of key physical, chemical and biological properties and procedures used in soil analyses. One or more field trips will be scheduled during laboratory sessions
Biology 2600, Earth Sciences 1000, one of Chemistry 2210, the former Chemistry 2300, Chemistry 2301, Chemistry 2401, or Chemistry 2440, and 6 credit hours selected from Environment and Sustainability 2000 or the former Environmental Studies 2000, ENVS 2261, 2360, 2370, 2371, 2430, 2450, 3072, 3470. It is recommended that students complete at least 80 credit hours before registering for this course; Science 1807 and Science 1808.
ENVS 4131 Environmental Restoration and Waste Management
focuses on procedures aimed at restoring and rehabilitating ecosystems, with an examination of the interdisciplinary scientific basis underlying these procedures. The efficacy of management options, e.g. biomanipulation, microbial degradation and chemical treatments, involved in restoration and waste management will be evaluated. Applications and practical case studies of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems will be covered.
Biology 2600, one of Chemistry 2210, the former Chemistry 2300, Chemistry 2301, Chemistry 2401, or Chemistry 2440, and 6 credit hours selected from Environment and Sustainability 2000 or the former Environmental Studies 2000, ENVS 2261, 2360, 2370, 2371, 2430, 2450, 3072, 3470. It is recommended that students complete at least 80 credit hours before registering for this course.
ENVS 4369 Environmental Hydrology
provides quantitative and qualitative study of hydrological processes and functions under different environments. It explores natural and anthropogenic impacts on quality, quantity and distribution of water in different environments. Thus. the students will develop a balanced view of the hydrological processes and functions, will be able to understand the basic tenets of water cycle modeling and will be equipped to recognize the role and impact of water management on complex natural phenomena.
ENVS 4479 Groundwater Flow
provides a quantitative approach to the occurrence, characterization, flow and modeling of groundwater systems. Thus, the students will acquire solid knowledge of the basic principles governing groundwater flow systems and their quantification of interest to environmental scientists and will help to develop a balanced view for sustainable development and management of groundwater systems.
ENVS 4910-4930 Special Topics in Environmental Science
are special topics courses in Environmental Science normally taken by students beyond the second year.
ENVS 4950 Research Project in Environmental Science
is a course, with the guidance of a faculty member, where students will conduct a scientific study based upon original research or a critical review of extant data in an appropriate area. Students are required to submit a report and give a presentation.
ENVS 4951 Honours Project in Environmental Science I
is a course, under the guidance of a designated supervisor (or supervisors), where the student will prepare a thesis proposal including a comprehensive literature review of the subject of their Honours thesis. Students will present the results of their work in both written and oral form.
ENVS 4959 Honours Research Project in Environmental Science II
is a continuation of ENVS 4951 specifically for Honours students. Under the supervision of faculty member(s), students will carry out an original research project in environmental science. Students will present both a thesis and seminar on their research.
AN = Additional notes. AR = Attendance requirement as noted. CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours. CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described. CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent. Credit is limited to one of these courses. Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination. Credit is limited to one of these courses. These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. |
LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted. LH = Laboratory hours per week. OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars. PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described. UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted. |
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.