39.3 Graduate Courses
- 6030-6050 Special Topics
- 6070 Seminars in Physiological Instrumentation
- 6075 Human Physiology, Performance and Safety in Extreme Environments (HSPE)
- 6090-6101 Special Topics
- 6102 Critical Theory in Health and Society
- 6103-6119 Special Topics
- 6127 Immunology I
- 6128 Immunology II
- 613A/B Advanced Immunological Methods (same as the former 6130)
- 6131-6139 Special Topics
- 6140 Basic Cardiovascular and Renal Physiology
- 6141 Cardiovascular/Renal Techniques
- 6142 Selected Topics in Cardiovascular and Renal Physiology
- 6143 Cardiovascular Anatomy
- 6144 Current Concepts in Cardiovascular and Renal Pathophysiology
- 6150 Principles of Scholarly Writing for Rural Doctors (may be delivered outside the regular semester timeframe)
- 6151 Principles of Research for Rural Doctors (may be delivered outside the regular semester timeframe)
- 6180 Structure, Function and Pharmacology of Muscle
- 6190 General Pharmacology
- 6192 Pharmacology of Receptors and Receptor Effector Coupling Processes
- 6193 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience
- 6194 Advanced Topics in Physiology
- 6195 Neurobiology of Nervous System Diseases
- 6196 Systems Neuroscience
- 6197 Cellular Neuroscience
- 6198 Neuroanatomy for Graduate Students (accelerated format)
- 6199 Health Sciences Writing
- 6200 Biostatistics I (credit may be obtained for only one of MED 6200 or MED 6262)
- 6220 Introduction to Community Health
- 6225 Health Inequities and the Social Determinants of Health
- 6226 Postcolonial Theory: Considering the “Other” in Science, Medicine and Bioethics
- 6250 Basic Clinical Epidemiology
- 6255 Clinical Research Design
- 6260 Applied Data Analysis for Clinical Epidemiology
- 6262 Biostatistics in Clinical Medicine (credit may be obtained for only one of MED 6200 or MED 6262)
- 6263 Conducting and Publishing Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- 6265 Genetics and Clinical Epidemiology6268 Patient Engagement in Health Research
- 6270 Epidemiology I
- 6274 Chronic Disease Epidemiology
- 6275 Epidemiology II
- 6276 Current Topics in Canada's Health Care System
- 6277 Issues in Northern, Rural and Remote Health in Canada
- 6278 Advanced Biostatistics for Health Research
- 6279 Quantitative Methods for Applied Health Research
- 6280 Community Health Research Methods
- 6281 Theory and Approaches to Medical Publication
- 6282 Canadian Health Care System
- 6283 ‘Big Data’ Research and Analytics in Health Care
- 6284 Research and Evaluation Design and Methods
- 6285 Introduction to Applied Health Services Research
- 6286 Ethical Foundations of Applied Health Research
- 6288 Policy and Decision Making
- 6290 Determinants of Health: Healthy Public Policy
- 6292 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Health Services Research
- 6293 Knowledge Transfer and Research Uptake
- 6294 Advanced Qualitative Methods
- 6295 Advanced Quantitative Methods
- 6296 Residency
- 6297 Theories of Social Justice in Health
- 6298 Applied Health Services Research – Practicum
- 6299 Applied Health Services Research – Capstone
- 6390 Human Population Genetics
- 6391 Selected Topics in Human Genetics
- 6392 Applied Human Genetics
- 6393 Human Molecular Genetics
- 6394 Cancer Genetics
- 6395 Genetic Epidemiology
- 6400 Research Seminars for M.Sc. Students I (one-credit hour)
- 6401 Research Seminars for M.Sc. Students II (one-credit hour)
- 6402 Research Seminars for M.Sc. Students III (one-credit hour)
- 6403 Research Seminars for M.Sc. Students IV (one-credit hour)
- 6410 Research Seminars for Ph.D. Students I (one-credit hour)
- 6411 Research Seminars for Ph.D. Students II (one-credit hour)
- 6412 Research Seminars for Ph.D. Students III (one-credit hour)
- 6413 Research Seminars for Ph.D. Students IV (one-credit hour)
- 6420 Medical Science/Social Responsibility in Health Care: Aspects of Medical History (same as History 6125)
- 6578 Gross Anatomy I
- 6579 Gross Anatomy II
- 6580 Molecular Biology of Cancer
- 6590 Imaging and Spectroscopy for Biomedical Science
- 6591 Current Approaches to Biomedical Research (cross-listed as Biology 6591)
- 6592 Practicing and Teaching Professionalism
- 6900 Medical Geography I - Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Spatial Analysis in Health
- 6901 Medical Geography II - Geospatial Analysis and Modelling in Health (prerequisite: 6900)
- 6950 Simulation & Technology-based Learning in the Health Professions
- 6951 Assessment and Evaluation in Health Professions Education (cross-listed as Pharmacy 6951)
- 6953 Current Perspectives and Advances in Medical Education
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