13 Course Descriptions
In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the appropriate Dean of the School.
Prerequisites may be waived by the Dean/Program Chair of the course area in question.
Upon the recommendation of the appropriate Program Chair(s), any Major requirements may be waived by the relevant Committee on Student Academic Affairs (for the School of Arts and Social Science or School of Science and the Environment) or the Academic Studies Committee (for the School of Fine Arts).
Some of the courses in this section of the Calendar are available only at Grenfell Campus. Students who choose to transfer from Grenfell Campus to the St. John's campus should see their faculty advisor to determine the extent to which such courses can be applied to their new program.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.