14.6 Courses
8103 Statistical Applications in Management 8104 Organizations: Behaviour and Structure 8106 Marketing 8107 Managing Ethics and Responsibility 8108 Economics for Business 8109 Accounting for Management |
8204 Human Resource Management 8205 Information Systems 8206 Managerial Finance 8207 Operations Management 8208 Strategic Management 8209 Leadership and Interpersonal Skills for Managers |
8001 Consumer Behaviour 8002-8005 Special Topics 8202 Advanced Managerial Accounting 8203 Management Science 8210 Labour Relations 9001-9019 Special Topics (excluding 9005, 9013) 9005 International Marketing 9013 Collective Agreement Administration and Arbitration 9020 International Human Resource Management 9021 Data Management 9022 Information Systems Analysis and Design 9023-9050 Special Topics (excluding 9030, 9032, 9033, 9034, 9040) 9030 International and Comparative Industrial Relations 9032 Digital and Social Media Marketing 9033 The International Business Environment 9034 Strategic Risk Management 9040 Business Sustainability 9103 Research in Management 9301-9303 Research Project 9306 Global Strategy |
9308 New Venture Creation 9309 Marketing Management 9310 Management Science Applications 9311 Seminar in Human Resource Management 9312 Financial Management 9314 Business Law 9315 Advanced Financial Accounting 9316 Information Systems Management 9317 Current Topics in Management 9318 Marketing Communications Management 9320 Investments and Portfolio Management 9322 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation 9323 Financial Forward, Futures, and Options Markets 9324 Gender, Work and Organizations 9326 International Finance 9328 Change Management 9329 Labour Law Up to 6 credit hours in courses from other non-business graduate programs within the School of Graduate Studies, as approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Faculty of Business Administration |
- A selection of electives will be offered to meet the requirements of students as far as the resources of the Faculty of Business Administration will allow.
Course | Prerequisite/Co-requisite (See Notes) | Course | Prerequisite/Co-requisite (See Notes) |
8001 | 8106 | 9034 | Nine required courses |
8103 | Nil | 9040 | Nine required courses including 8107 |
8104 | Nil | 9103 | Nine required courses completed including 8103 |
8106 | Nil | 9301 | Nine required courses completed |
8107 | Nil | 9302 | Nine required courses completed plus 9301 (see Notes) |
8108 | Nil | 9303 | Nine required courses completed plus 9301 (see Notes) and 9302 (see Notes) |
8109 | Nil | 9306 | Nine required courses completed |
8202 | 8109 | 9308 | 8106, 8109 |
8203 | Nil | 9309 | Nine required courses completed including 8106 |
8204 | Nil | 9310 | 8203 |
8205 | Nil | 9311 | Nine required courses completed including 8104, 8204 or admission to the MER program |
8206 | 8103 (see Notes), 8108 (see Notes), 8109 | 9312 | Nine required courses completed including 8103, 8108, 8109, 8206 |
8207 | 8103, 8108 (see Notes) | 9314 | Nine required courses completed including 8103, 8108, 8109, 8206 or admission to the MER program |
8208 | 8103, 8104, 8106, 8108, 8109, 8205 (see Notes), 8206 (see Notes), 8207 (see Notes) | 9315 | 8109 |
8209 | 8104 | 9316 | Nine required courses completed including 8205 |
8210 | Nil | 9317 | Nine required courses completed |
9005 | Nine required courses including 8106 | 9318 | Nine required courses completed including 8106 |
9013 | Nine required courses completed including 8210 or 8210 plus admission to the MER program | 9320 | Nine required courses completed including 8103, 8108, 8109, 8206 |
9020 | Nine required courses completed including 8104 or 8204 or 8204 | 9322 | 8104, 8106, 8108, 8109, 8206 |
9021 | Nine required courses completed including 8205 | 9323 | Nine required courses completed including 8103, 8108, 8109, 8206, 9320 |
9022 | Nine required courses completed including 8205 | 9324 | Nine required courses completed including 8104 or admission to the MER program |
9030 | Nine required courses completed including 8210 or 8210 | 9326 | Nine required courses completed including 8103, 8108, 8109, 8206 |
9032 | 8106 | 9328 | Nine required courses completed including 8104 or admission to the MER program |
9033 | Nine required courses | 9329 | Nine required courses completed including 8210 or 8210 plus admission to the MER program |
- Unless specified in Master of Business Administration Course Prerequisite/Co-requisite, all 9000-level courses require the prior completion of nine required courses, including any specific prerequisites or co-requisites unless otherwise specified.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.