5.5 Other Information

  1. The Faculty will notify each applicant of their admission decision by e-mail through the applicant’s University-approved e-mail account.

  2. Admission decisions may be deferred until grades are available for courses currently being completed.

  3. A student admitted to the program in any term, without receiving credit for all courses required up to that level, must complete those courses successfully prior to graduation.

  4. A student who has been admitted to one major offered by the Faculty and who wishes to change to another major within the Faculty must submit a new application for admission to the program. This application must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate deadline date as outlined above in Application Forms and Deadlines and will be considered in competition with all other applications.

  5. A student who declines an offer of admission or who fails to register for the appropriate courses during the term of admission will be considered withdrawn from the program. Such a student, if subsequently wishing to be considered for admission, must submit a new application for admission to the program. This application must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate deadline date in Application Forms and Deadlines above and will be considered in competition with other applications.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.