12.18 Philosophy
12.18.1 Program of Study
The degree of Master of Arts is offered in Philosophy by full-time or part-time study. The program is designed so that it may be completed in one academic year (three semesters) of full-time study.
In addition to meeting the requirements listed under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies, to complete a M.A. in Philosophy, students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours in graduate Philosophy courses as follows:
3 credit hours in Philosophy 6000; and
15 credit hours in graduate Philosophy courses selected from the Courses listed below. Courses will be selected by the student in consultation with the student's Supervisory Committee.
Normally, a full-time student will complete all the 18 credit hours and submit a thesis proposal by the end of the second semester of study. A minimum of one additional semester will be spent in completing the balance of the program.
The student must also complete a thesis in accordance with the General Regulations, Theses and Reports during the third semester of the program.
12.18.2 Courses
A selection of the following graduating courses will be offered to meet the requirements of students. as far as the resources of the Department will allow.
- 6000 Graduate Research Seminar
- 6011 Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- 6012 Seminar in Modern Philosophy
- 6013 Seminar in Contemporary Philosophy
- 6014 Seminar in Metaphysics
- 6015 Seminar in Epistemology
- 6016 Seminar in Social and Political Philosophy
- 6040-6099 Seminar in Special Topics
- 6101 Seminar in Selected Philosophical Texts
- 6102 Seminar in Current Issues in Philosophy
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