8 Honours Degrees
Programs are offered leading to the Honours Degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, and Bachelor of Science.
An Honours Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree requires, over and above the requirement of the General degree, a concentration at an advanced level in an approved field, consisting of a subject or subjects of specialization and/or related subjects, and a high quality of work throughout the program. An Honours degree is of distinct advantage to students who plan advanced work or careers in their chosen fields and also to those who have a clear commitment to some special field of study. An Honours degree with first or second class standing is, in many cases, a prerequisite for admission to a graduate program. The Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts is available in English Language and Literature and Psychology. The Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science is available in Environmental Science and Psychology, and a Joint Honours Bachelor of Science is available in Mathematics and Physics.
An Honours Bachelor of Business Administration signifies superior academic achievement.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.