4.11 Graduation Procedure
Memorial University of Newfoundland awards undergraduate and graduate degrees, diplomas, and certificates three times per year. Normally, this takes place at regular convocation ceremonies that are held each Spring and Fall to celebrate those graduands who completed programs by the end of the preceding Winter and Spring semesters, respectively. An in absentia graduation occurs each Winter to award degrees, diplomas, and certificates to those graduands who completed programs by the end of the preceding Fall semester.
Students who are fulfilling, or have fulfilled, all academic requirements (including final submission of a graduate thesis, where applicable) for their programs are strongly encouraged to apply to graduate on the prescribed "Application for Graduation" form. This form may be obtained on-line on Memorial Self Service. The deadlines for application submission are July 15 for Fall (October) graduation, January 3 for Winter (February) in absentia graduation, and January 15 for Spring (May) graduation. Applications received after these dates will be processed as time and resources permit. Additional information is available from the Office of the Registrar. Information regarding Convocation, including the dates of the ceremony, is available at www.mun.ca/convocation.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.