13.24 Physics

In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the Head of the Department.

Physics courses are designated by PHYS.

PHYS 1020 Introductory Physics I

is an algebra-based introduction to Newtonian mechanics. Topics covered include motion in one and two dimensions, Newton’s laws, momentum, energy and work, and rotational motion. Previous exposure to physics would be an asset but is not essential.

Mathematics 1090 or 109B
PHYS 1050
3; six laboratory sessions per semester
tutorial or problem sessions may be held on weeks when no laboratory is scheduled
Level III Advanced Mathematics or Mathematics 1090 or 109B. It is recommended that students have completed at least one high school physics course; and Science 1807 and Science 1808.
PHYS 1021 Introductory Physics II

is an algebra-based introduction to oscillations, fluids, wave motion, electricity and magnetism, and circuits.

3; normally there will be six laboratory sessions per semester
tutorial sessions may be held on weeks when no laboratory is scheduled
PHYS 1020 or 1050, and Science 1807 and Science 1808
PHYS 1050 General Physics I: Mechanics

is a calculus-based introduction to mechanics. The course emphasizes problem solving, beginning with a review of vectors and one-dimensional kinematics. The main part of the course covers motion in two dimensions, forces and Newton’s Laws, energy, momentum, rotational motion and torque, and finally oscillations. For details regarding recommendations for students taking PHYS 1050, see Physics and Physical Oceanography, Note 4.


Mathematics 1000


PHYS 1020




Mathematics 1000; Science 1807 and Science 1808

PHYS 1051 General Physics II: Oscillations, Waves, Electromagnetism

is a calculus-based introduction to oscillations, wave motion, and electromagnetism. Topics include: simple harmonic motion; travelling waves, sound waves, and standing waves; electric fields and potentials; magnetic forces and fields; electric current and resistance; and electromagnetic waves.

Mathematics 1001
PHYS 1050, or 1021, or 1020 (with a minimum grade of 70%) and Mathematics 1001; Science 1807 and Science 1808
PHYS 2053 Fluids and Thermal Physics

examines elasticity, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, kinetic theory and statistical mechanics.

Mathematics 1001 and PHYS 1051
Mathematics 1001 and PHYS 1051; Science 1807 and Science 1808
PHYS 2056 General Physics VI: Modern Physics

is special relativity, quanta of light, atomic structure and spectral lines, quantum structure of atoms and molecules, nuclei and elementary particles.

Mathematics 1001 and PHYS 1051
PHYS 2750
Mathematics 1001, PHYS 1050 (or PHYS 1020 and PHYS 1021), and PHYS 1051; Science 1807 and Science 1808
PHYS 2065 Experimental and Computational Physics

- inactive course.

PHYS 2150 The Foundation of Astronomy

represents a general introduction to astronomy. The course emphasizes the scientific method, basic physics, night sky and objects in our solar system. Topics include space science, telescopes, spectroscopy, atomic structure, the formation and evolution of planetary systems, and the detection and properties of exoplanets.

PHYS 2151 Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics

is atomic structure and spectra. The sun: radiation, energetics, magnetic field. Stars: distance, velocity, size, atmospheres, interiors. Variable stars, multiple stars, clusters and stellar associations. Stellar evolution, interstellar matter, structure of the Milky Way Galaxy. Exterior galaxies, quasi-stellar objects, pulsars. Cosmology.

6 credit hours in Mathematics at the first year level
PHYS 2400 Subatomic Physics

is an introduction to nuclear and particle physics. Topics include nuclear properties and models; radioactive dating; fission; nuclear reactors; accelerators; the detection, classification, and properties of subatomic particles. Applications in areas such as ecology, dosimetry, medical physics and nuclear astrophysics are discussed.

Level III Advanced Mathematics or Mathematics 1090 or 109B. It is recommended that students have completed at least one of Level II and Level III high school physics courses.
PHYS 2553 Introduction to Analog and Digital Electronics

- inactive course.

PHYS 2820 Computational Mechanics

introduces computational methods in the context of Newtonian mechanics. Numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions to differential equations and data analysis are applied to projectile motion, N-body systems, oscillations and problems from astrophysics and geophysics. Implementation of numerical methods using computer programming is emphasized.

Mathematics 2000
Mathematics 2000 and PHYS 1051
PHYS 3060 Electricity and Magnetism

is point charges; Coulomb's law; electrostatic field and potential; Gauss' law; conductors; magnetostatics; Ampere's law; Biot-Savart law; dielectric and magnetic materials; electrostatic and magnetostatic energy; Lorentz force; time varying fields; Faraday's law; Lenz's law; Maxwell's equations.

Mathematics 2260 (or the former Mathematics 3260)
PHYS 1051 and Mathematics 2260 (or the former Mathematics 3260); Science 1807 and Science 1808
PHYS 3061 Electromagnetic Theory

includes Maxwell’s equations, energy and momentum in electromagnetic systems, EM waves, potentials and fields, dynamical systems of charges, radiation, the interaction of EM fields with matter, and the relativistic formulation of electromagnetism and its applications.

PHYS 3060
PHYS 3160 Stellar and Galactic Astronomy

is the physics and mathematics of stars and galaxies. Orbits and the two-body problem, radiation and matter, theory of stellar atmospheres, structure and evolution of stars. Galaxies: Morphology and kinematics. Milky Way kinematics and structure, large-scale star formation, the distribution of interstellar matter in galaxies. Starburst and active galaxies. An introduction to cosmology.

PHYS 3150 and PHYS 3151
Mathematics 2000, PHYS 2056, PHYS 2151. PHYS 3220 is recommended.
PHYS 3180 Observational Astrophysics

covers theoretical topics including celestial mechanics, continuous and line spectra, stellar structure and nucleosynthesis, and stellar evolution. Observational topics include planning observations, acquisition of images with a CCD electronic camera, fundamentals of astronomical image processing, photometry, and stellar spectroscopy using a variety of software packages.

Mathematics 2000, PHYS 2056. PHYS 2151 is recommended.
PHYS 3220 Classical Mechanics I

covers vector operations, coordinate transformations, derivative of vectors, Newton’s laws, differential equations, kinematics and dynamics of a particle, linear and quadratic air resistance, terminal velocity, momentum of a time varying mass, center of mass systems, angular momentum, moment of inertia, energy, work-energy theorem, forces as the gradient of potential energy, time dependent potential energy, curvilinear one-dimensional systems, energy of a multiparticle system, calculus of variations, and Lagrangian Dynamics.

PHYS 2820, Mathematics 2260, Mathematics 3202
PHYS 2820, Mathematics 2260, Mathematics 3202
PHYS 3230 Classical Mechanics II

covers noninertial frames of reference, Newton's second law in a rotating frame, centrifugal force, Coriolis force, motion of rigid bodies, center of mass, rotation about a fixed axis, rotation about any axis, inertia tensor, Euler's equations with zero torque, coupled oscillators, chaos theory, bifurcation diagrams, state-space orbits, Poincare sections, Hamiltonian dynamics, ignorable coordinate, phase-space orbits, Liouville's theorem, scattering angle, impact parameter, differential scattering cross section, and Rutherford scattering.

PHYS 3220, Mathematics 2260, Mathematics 3202
PHYS 3250 Elementary Particles and Fields

includes the Standard Model, classification of elementary particles and forces of nature, symmetries, conservation laws, quark model, quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics, and the theory of weak interactions.

Mathematics 3202, PHYS 3650
PHYS 3400 Thermodynamics

covers the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Entropy. Thermodynamics of real substances. Kinetic theory of matter. Introduction to statistical mechanics.

Mathematics 2000, PHYS 2053 and PHYS 2750 or 2056
PHYS 3650 Quantum Mechanics I

includes a review of elementary quantum physics and covers topics such as wave functions, operators, expectation values, the Schrödinger equation in one dimension, states and operators in Hilbert space, coordinate and momentum representations, quantum mechanics in three dimensions, angular momentum, spherically symmetric potentials, and approximation methods.

Mathematics 3202
Mathematics 2260, Mathematics 3202, PHYS 2056
PHYS 3820 Mathematical Physics I

focuses on applications of mathematical techniques to solve problems in physics. Vectors, vector calculus, matrices and tensors, coordinate systems and transformations, and summation notation are reviewed. Topics in complex numbers, functions and calculus are introduced, including branch cuts, differentiation, integration, Cauchy formula, series, residue theorem, and the gamma function. Other topics include differential equations using series solutions and separation of variables, and Fourier series of real and complex functions.

Mathematics 2260 (or the former Mathematics 3260), Mathematics 3202
PHYS 4100 Senior Physics Seminar

is a review of current topics in Physics discussed in a seminar format. Seminars are presented by faculty, students, and guest speakers. Topics are normally drawn from the fields of sub-atomic & nuclear physics or astronomy & cosmology.

normally restricted to Physics students who have completed 78 credit hours or more
PHYS 4880 Physics Laboratory

introduces the student to advanced laboratory work in several areas of physics.

Physics students who have completed 60 credit hours or more; Science 1807 and Science 1808
PHYS 4950 Research Experience in Physics

is an opportunity for students to participate in original research under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Students are required to present a written report and to give a seminar on their work.

Physics students who have completed 78 credit hours or more and permission of the Physics Program Chair
PHYS 495A/B Honours Project in Physics

is a two-semester course that requires the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, to prepare a dissertation in an area of physics.  In addition to a written project, an oral presentation will be given by the student at the end of the second semester.




Permission of the Program Chair and admission to an honours program

AN = Additional notes.

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.