39.2 Graduate Diploma in Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine offers a Graduate Diploma providing an opportunity for professionals and individuals within the health sector to obtain or upgrade their training in Clinical Epidemiology or Community Health.

39.2.1 Qualifications for Admission

To be admitted into the respective graduate diploma program a student must be eligible to register as a graduate student, as described under General Regulations, Qualifications for Admission, Graduate Diploma Programs. In special circumstances, and upon the recommendation of the Associate Dean of Community Health and Humanities, for their respective program, a suitable combination of training and professional experience relevant to that program may be acceptable for admission.

39.2.2 Program Requirements

  1. Graduate Diploma in Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology)

    A graduate diploma in Clinical Epidemiology requires successful completion of MED 6262, 6250, and 6255 and the completion of two of the Clinical Epidemiology seminar courses: MED 6400 and 6401. Students are expected to give an oral presentation in the seminar series.

  2. Graduate Diploma in Medicine (Community Health)

    A graduate diploma in Community Health requires successful completion of MED 6220, MED 6270, 3 electives, and 2 semester-length seminar courses (MED 6400-6401).

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