5.1 Bachelor of Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies
- In addition to the regulations governing admission to the University available at University Regulations (Undergraduate), Admission/Readmission to the University (Undergraduate), students entering the Bachelor of Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies program (General or Honours) must have completed a high school diploma or equivalent, and will normally hold an overall average of 70% or higher.
- Students who do not meet this requirement may still be considered for admission into the program based on professional and leadership contributions to Arctic and Subarctic regions. Students should consult University Regulations (Undergraduate), Applicants Who Are Requesting Special Admission for information regarding special admissions to the University.
- Students who have previously been admitted to the Bachelor of Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies program and have not registered for courses for three consecutive semesters must submit an application for readmission to the University in order to resume studies in the Program. Students should consult University Regulations (Undergraduate), Admission/Readmission Information for more information regarding applications for readmission.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.