8.1 Graduate Internship Route
This internship route provides graduate students in the Degree of Master of Applied Science in areas of Computer Engineering, Environmental Systems Engineering and Management, Oil and Gas Engineering, Safety and Risk Engineering and Energy Systems Engineering an opportunity to learn valuable practical skills while working in fields related to their areas.
Students complete a full-time, paid internship (ENGI 901W and ENGI 902W) of eight months with a single employer as an essential component of their academic program. There is no direct entry into this program. Students will be nominated and invited by the Engineering Graduate Office (EGO) to opt-in to the graduate internship route.
- Admission Requirements
- Admission to the graduate internship route is limited, competitive, selective, and not mandatory.
- The primary criteria used in student nomination for opting into the program is academic performance.
- Students will be nominated and invited to opt-in approximately 8 months in advance of the start of the internship.
- Students must be registered and maintain a full-time status at the time of nomination, during the months leading to the start of the internship, during the internship and after the internship.
- Students must have at least one program course, excluding pre-requisite courses, remaining after the internship.
- Students nominated and invited to opt-in must submit the opt-in request form to the Engineering Co-operative Education Office (ECEO) and the Engineering Graduate Office within the deadline given.
- Students who opt-in will be required to participate in the pre-screening with the Engineering Co-operative Education Office.
- A student’s admission to the graduate internship route is confirmed through the successful placement of a full-time, eight-month duration of paid internship.
- Admission to the graduate internship route is limited, competitive, selective, and not mandatory.
- Program of Study
- Students are required to complete the required credit hours in graduate program courses related to their degree and included in the list of core and elective courses maintained by the Graduate Studies Committee, or previously approved by the Graduate Studies Committee, or its Chair.
- Within this credit requirement, students in the graduate internship route are required to complete one full-time, eight-month duration paid work internship (ENGI 901W and ENGI 902W) with one employer as part their program requirements. Students who fail to meet this requirement will normally be awarded a fail grade for the internship period and will not be renominated for consideration.
- Students who are not successful in passing the pre-screening or securing an internship placement in their first search semester must continue with undertaking and completing graduate program courses related to their degree. They will not be nominated by the Engineering Graduate Office for consideration for admission for the second time.
- Students are required to complete the required credit hours in graduate program courses related to their degree and included in the list of core and elective courses maintained by the Graduate Studies Committee, or previously approved by the Graduate Studies Committee, or its Chair.
- Internship Guidelines
- Students nominated and invited to opt-in to the graduate internship route are required to strictly adhere to the Engineering Co-operative Education Office’s rules and regulations related to internship requirements and standards, which include but are not limited to training and internship preparation, applications, interviewing, critical deadlines and deliverables.
- The internship job search takes place throughout the semester prior to the start of the intended internship. While internship employment is normally organized by the Engineering Co-operative Education Office, it is the student’s responsibility to secure an internship placement. Internship placements are not guaranteed as a significant part of the employer selection process depends on relevant experience and the quality of the application (including resume, cover letter and an interview). Students nominated for consideration for admission to the graduate internship route may obtain their own internship placements, however all placements are subject to the approval of the Engineering Co-operative Education Office and of the Engineering Graduate Office.
- Students nominated and invited to opt-in to the graduate internship route give permission to the Engineering Co-operative Education Office to supply prospective employers with copies of their resume, cover letter and transcript.
- After being placed with an employer, students are not permitted to drop their internship without prior approval from Engineering Co-operative Education Office and the Engineering Graduate Office. Students who drop an internship without permission, who fail to honour an agreement to work with an employer, or who conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause their discharge from the placement, will normally be awarded a fail grade for the internship period (ENGI 901W and ENGI 902W) and will not be renominated for consideration.
- Each internship placement will be supervised by the student’s on-site workplace supervisor and the Academic Staff Member in the Engineering Co-operative Education Office. The overall evaluation of the internship is the responsibility of the Academic Staff Member in Engineering Co-operative Education Office supported by the Department and the Engineering Graduate Office. The internship deliverables shall follow those of Engineering Co-operative Education Office’s Graduate Internship Program Handbook, which will be posted on the websites of the Engineering Co-operative Education Office and the Engineering Graduate Office.
- Students nominated and invited to opt-in to the graduate internship route are required to strictly adhere to the Engineering Co-operative Education Office’s rules and regulations related to internship requirements and standards, which include but are not limited to training and internship preparation, applications, interviewing, critical deadlines and deliverables.
- Assessment of Performance and Assignment of Grades
- Students must register for the course ENGI 901W in the first semester of their internship and ENGI 902W in the second semester of their internship. ENGI 901W and ENGI 902W are non-credit courses open only to students who are admitted to the graduate internship route.
- During the internship, the employer and intern will complete student performance feedbacks every four months and will submit them to the Engineering Co-operative Education Office. The final assessment of total work performed is the responsibility of the Engineering Co-operative Education Office, and will be based upon input from both the employer and the intern’s report(s).
- The Internship evaluation shall consist of two components. Details will be provided in the Graduate Internship Program Handbook.
- On-the-job Student Performance: Job performance shall be assessed by the Engineering Co-operative Education Office in consultation with the Engineering Graduate Office using information gathered during the internship and input from the employer.
- Internship Report(s): Internship report shall be assessed by the Department in consultation with Engineering Graduate Office.
- On-the-job Student Performance: Job performance shall be assessed by the Engineering Co-operative Education Office in consultation with the Engineering Graduate Office using information gathered during the internship and input from the employer.
- The evaluation of the on-the-job student performance and the internship report(s) are recorded separately on the transcript. Overall evaluation of the internship will result in one of the following final grades being awarded:
- PASS WITH DISTINCTION: indicates outstanding performance in both the internship report(s) and the on-the-job student performance.
- PASS: indicates that performance meets expectations in both the internship report(s) and on-the-job student performance. The student meets the requirements of a passing mark in the final internship report and on-the-job student performance.
- FAIL: indicates failing performance in either the internship report(s) or on-the-job student performance or both.
- PASS WITH DISTINCTION: indicates outstanding performance in both the internship report(s) and the on-the-job student performance.
- An internship notation will be noted in the transcript of the intern:
- Requirements for the Graduate Internship in the Degree of Master of Applied Science have been completed. Internship Duration: -
- Requirements for the Graduate Internship in the Degree of Master of Applied Science have been completed. Internship Duration: -
- Students must register for the course ENGI 901W in the first semester of their internship and ENGI 902W in the second semester of their internship. ENGI 901W and ENGI 902W are non-credit courses open only to students who are admitted to the graduate internship route.
- Courses
- ENGI 901W – Graduate Internship 1
- ENGI 902W – Graduate Internship 2
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