13.33 Tourism
In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the Head of the Department.
Tourism courses are designated by TRSM.
TRSM 1000 Introduction to Tourism
introduces students to the history of tourism and leisure, and the development of the field of tourism studies. This will include consideration of foundational concepts such as culture and nature, research on the needs and gratifications of tourists, and studies of the functions of tourism.
TRSM 2000 Tourism and Sustainability
investigates the concept of sustainability and focuses on the importance of sustainable tourism initiatives, covers measuring the demand for tourism, the role of government and industry stakeholders in the tourism planning process, and a consideration of how tourism planning strategies are developed, implemented, evaluated, and controlled. In addition, there will be an examination of the principles that structure the tourism industry.
TRSM 3240 Cultural and Heritage Tourism Development
considers built, natural and cultural resources for heritage tourism destinations on a variety of scales from World Heritage Sites to countryside and rural tourism attractions. Issues around the international context of heritage, interpretation, and packaging of cultural heritage products, regional identities and environments and the importance of small and medium sized enterprises are examined.
TRSM 4900-4910 (Excluding 4902) Special Topics in Tourism
is a case-based course focussing on the application of major tourism theories and concepts to modern tourism industry issues. Potential areas of consideration include transportation issues in tourism, visitor management, rural tourism, urban tourism, health tourism and therapeutic recreation, island tourism, critical regionalism, maximizing the year-round potential of tourism, and contemporary research in tourism.
at least 75 credit hours or permission of the instructor
TRSM 4902 Culinary Tourism
examines the history of gastronomy and the role of food in cultural heritage with different case studies around the world. Wine growing regions from countries such as Canada, France, Italy, Hungary, South Africa, Greece, and Cyprus will be critically analyzed from an economic impact context. Trends in cuisine and culinary arts, successes and challenges in promoting food tourism in Newfoundland food and drink in literature, art and film, and food and wine tourism best practices will be a key focus. The students will be required to take local tours of selected restaurants and wineries in Newfoundland for practical exposure of the food and wine industry.
AN = Additional notes. AR = Attendance requirement as noted. CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours. CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described. CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent. Credit is limited to one of these courses. Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination. Credit is limited to one of these courses. These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. |
LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted. LH = Laboratory hours per week. OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars. PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described. UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted. |
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.