13.1 Anthropology

Anthropology 1030 and Anthropology 1031 or an equivalent course or courses are required of all students wishing to concentrate in anthropology.

The following courses, cross-listed with the Department of Sociology and identified by the prefix "S/A", are also taught at the introductory level: 2200, 2210, 2220, 2230, 2240, 2260, 2270, 2280, and 2350. These courses can be taken as first courses or may be taken following an Anthropology introductory course.

Anthropology courses are designated by ANTH.

ANTH 1031 Introduction to Anthropology

provides an overview of the field of social and cultural anthropology. It covers key anthropological concepts used to study issues such as inequality, social justice, the environment, work, politics and law, family, identity, gender and sexuality, ethnicity, spirituality, and communication. An emphasis is placed on human diversity, international examples, and processes of globalization. This course is suitable for students in all disciplines.

the former ANTH 1000 or 2000
ANTH 2200 Communities (S/A 2200)

is an interdisciplinary examination of the concept of Community. Readings will include community studies from North America and Europe.

ANTH 2210 Communication and Culture (S/A 2210)

is an examination of verbal and non-verbal systems of communication, and the influence of language on human cognition.

ANTH 2220 Labrador Society and Culture

examines the Sociology and Anthropology of Labrador. The focus is on social and cultural aspects of contemporary Labrador.

ANTH 2230 Newfoundland Society and Culture (S/A 2230)

examines the Sociology and Anthropology of the Island of Newfoundland. The focus is on social and cultural aspects of contemporary island Newfoundland.


Folklore 2230

ANTH 2240 Canadian Society and Culture (S/A 2240)

is a descriptive and analytic approach to the development of Canadian society and culture.

ANTH 2260 War and Aggression (S/A 2260)

is a critical review of ethological, psychological and sociological approaches to the understanding of violence and organized aggression.

ANTH 2270 Families (S/A 2270)

is a comparative and historical perspective on the family as a social institution, the range of variation in its structure and the determinants of its development.

ANTH 2300 Newfoundland Folklore

is a survey of the various types of Folklore: tale, song, rhyme, riddle, proverb, belief, custom, childlore and others, with stress on their function in the Newfoundland community culture. Individual collection and analysis of materials from the students' home communities, supplemented by data from the Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Archive.


the former Folklore 3420


Folklore 2300


Folklore 1000 or ANTH 1031

ANTH 2410 Classics in Social and Cultural Anthropology

is an examination of selected milestone monographs, ground-breaking studies for subdisciplinary specialties and major syntheses.


Anthropology 2409

ANTH 2411 Anthropologists in the Field

base many of their ideas on experiences they have while living in other cultures. This course examines the human relationships through which anthropologists explore cultures and how in turn these relationships affect the anthropologists and the development of their discipline.

ANTH 2412 Discourses of Endangerment

gives students the conceptual and methodological tools to evaluate discourses of language and other forms of endangerment that trade in racist and colonial stereotypes such as "threatened peoples". We examine the cultural, economic, and political determinants of endangerment, including legacies of colonialism, ethnolinguistic nationalism, and globalization.

ANTH 2413 Modern World Cultures

is an examination of significant studies of 20th century populations and their implications for understanding the human condition.

ANTH 2414 Critical Indigenous Studies

introduces key debates in Critical Indigenous Studies, asking what it means to identify as 'Indigenous' in a settler-colonial society like Canada; explores how the colonial experiences of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit differ from other Indigenous Peoples; and critically introduces major topics and issues facing the Indigenous communities of Turtle Island ('North America') through deep engagement with Indigenous scholarship. Special emphasis is placed on Indigenous knowledge and methodologies as an alternative to dominant settler worldviews.


the former ANTH 3281

ANTH 2417 The City (S/A 2417)

examines urban life across space and time. Drawing from a variety of ethnographic contexts and theorizations of the city, we will explore the diverse ways in which people inhabit, experience, engage with, and imagine urban environments. Students will critically engage with a broad range of subjects, including how the built environment relates to social inequality, and more broadly what constitutes a city in the context of global flows and networks.


the former Sociology/Anthropology 2280, the former Sociology 2280, the former Anthropology 2280

ANTH 2500 Oral Literature from Around the World

focuses on the analysis of folk literature, and may include the genres of narrative, poetry, song, drama, and speech from various countries and regions. Textual, comparative, and contextual methods of analysis will be introduced. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at www.mun.ca/hss/IS.


the former English 3400, the former Folklore 3400, Sociology/Anthropology 3400


Folklore 2500


Folklore 1000 or ANTH 1031

ANTH 3053 Anthropology of Religion

is a critical evaluation of anthropological research on religion, centering on seminal thinkers and major theoretical traditions. Special attention is given to the study of belief systems, and to relationships between belief and ritual.

Religious Studies 3053
ANTH 3080 The Third World

is an examination of the anthropology of the Third World. The course considers perspectives on peasantry, including such topics as underdevelopment, land reform, hunger, political and social movement.

ANTH 3083 Cultural Crises and the Environment

is an examination of social and cultural aspects of dilemmas in the use of renewable and non-renewable resources such as animals, arable land, forests, fisheries, air, water, fossil fuel, and nuclear energy. Special attention to Third World and marginal populations.

ANTH 3140 Social Movements (S/A 3140)

is an examination of social movements which challenge prevailing social institutions and cultural values. Social movements considered may include religious cults and sects, millenarian movements, attempts at utopian and communal living, feminism, labour and revolutionary movements.

ANTH 3314 Gender and Society (S/A 3314)

is an examination of biological, psychological, social and cultural aspects of gender, with an emphasis upon contemporary directions of change in sex roles.

ANTH 3520 Indigenous History to 1763

examines Indigenous history in North America, including the Innu, Inuit, Beothuk and Mi’kmaq, from before European contact to the Royal Proclamation in 1763. Particular attention will be paid to historical encounters framed by first contacts, cultural exchange, trade, disease, religious encounters, conflict and diplomacy, and territorial encroachment.


Archaeology 3520, History 3520

ANTH 3525 Indigenous History from 1763

examines the history of Indigenous peoples in North America, including the Innu, Inuit, Beothuk and Mi’kmaq, from 1763 to the twentieth century. Particular attention will be paid to Indigenous-settler relations, including Indigenous policies, military encounters and diplomacy, expansion and removals, education, treaties, and politicization.


Archaeology 3525, History 3525

ANTH 4071 Social and Cultural Aspects of Health and Illness (S/A 4071)

covers topics which may include: cultural concepts of illness and health; theories of disease causation; relationships between social life and illness patterns; symbolic use of illness; variations in philosophies of treatment and in practitioner/patient relationships; the social organization of medicine. Open to those without normal prerequisites by permission of the Instructor.

ANTH 4072 Social and Cultural Aspects of Death (S/A 4072)

covers topics which may include: symbolic meanings and values attached to death; cultural and historical variations in the management of death, e.g. treatment of the 'terminally ill', burial rites, the mourning process, and the social fate of survivors, together with the social and psychological meanings of these behaviours. Open to those without normal prerequisites by permission of the Instructor.

ANTH 4440 Music and Culture (S/C 4440)

explores traditional music as an aspect of human behaviour in Western and non-European cultures. Examination of the functions and uses of music; folk-popular-art music distinctions; and the relation of style to content. Outside reading, class exercises and individual reports will be required.


Folklore 4440, Music 4040, the former Music 4440

AN = Additional notes.

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.