4.1 General Degrees
The Marine Institute offers two undergraduate degrees: a Bachelor of Maritime Studies and a Bachelor of Technology. For specific details on each degree refer to the appropriate Degree Program Regulations.
4.1.1 Bachelor of Maritime Studies
The Bachelor of Maritime Studies program prepares graduates for career advancement in Maritime Management or Safety Management industries. It is designed for students who have graduated from an accredited diploma of technology program that is applicable to one of two major areas of study. Courses in the program provide the student with an introduction to the art and science of managing and running a maritime-focused business. The program major consists of 39 credit hours in addition to work completed in a diploma program. All Maritime Studies (MARI) courses in the program are normally available online. Students should check with other University departments to determine whether courses are available on Campus or online.
The major areas of study are: Major in Maritime Management
The Major in Maritime Management is normally chosen by students who have graduated from accredited, or Transport Canada approved, diploma of technology programs in the marine fields. Major in Safety Management
The Major in Safety Management is open to all students eligible for the Major in Maritime Management but also includes any student holding a three-year CTAB or TAC accredited technology diploma or those having a CRSP designation.
4.1.2 Bachelor of Technology
The Bachelor of Technology program prepares graduates for career advancement in health science technology or engineering technology or applied science industries. It is designed for students who have graduated from an accredited diploma of technology program that is applicable to one of two major areas of study. Courses in the program provide the student with an introduction to human resource and business management concepts, and the social contexts in which their careers will be based. The program consists of 39 credit hours in addition to work completed in a diploma program and can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.
The major areas of study are: Major in Engineering Technology and Applied Science
The Engineering Technology and Applied Science Major is normally chosen by students who have an engineering technology or applied science diploma. Major in Health Sciences Technology
The Health Sciences Technology Major is normally chosen by students who have a health sciences technology diploma.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.