19.12 Courses
A selection of the following graduate courses will be offered to meet the requirements of the students, as far as the resources of the Faculty will allow.
19.12.2 Core Courses
- 9002 Ocean Engineering Structures
- 9015 Ocean Engineering Hydrodynamics
- 9110 Advanced Petroleum Production Engineering
- 9113 Phase Behaviour of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
- 9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering
- 9115 Safety and Risk Engineering
- 9118 Advanced Drilling Engineering
- 9121 Advanced Safety, Risk and Reliability Modeling
- 9211 Experimental Methods
- 9310 Advanced Reactor Analysis and Bioreactors
- 9320 Advanced Separation Processes
- 9330 Abnormal Situation Management and On-line Monitoring
- 9340 Material Degradation in Process Facilities
- 9411 Probabilistic Methods in Engineering
- 9420 Engineering Analysis
- 9496 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
- 9501 Finite Element Analysis with Engineering Applications
- 9505 Structural Dynamics and Vibrations
- 9516 Similitude, Modelling and Experimental Data Analysis
- 9520 Solid and Structural Mechanics
- 9550 Fatigue, Fracture and Corrosion
- 9609 Environmental Risk Assessment
- 9627 Environmental Systems Engineering
- 9723 Soil Properties and Behaviour
- 9816 Antenna Theory
- 9821 Digital Signal Processing
- 9826 Advanced Control Systems
- 9827 Continuous and Discrete-Event Systems
- 9834 Advanced Power Electronics
- 9853 Energy Economics and Policy
- 9854 Fundamentals of Energy Systems
- 9855 Energy and the Environment
- 9856 Electrical Power Systems
- 9857 Instrumentation and Control of Energy Systems
- 9858 Advanced Power Systems
- 9861 High-Performance Computer Architecture
- 9865 Advanced Digital Systems
- 9867 Advanced Computing Concepts for Engineering
- 9871 Information Theory and Coding
- 9874 Software Design and Specification
- 9876 Advanced Data Networks
- 990A MESE Project Course
- 990B Continuation of MESE Project Course
- 9901 Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics
- 9902 Advanced Transport Phenomena
- 9909 Advanced Thermodynamics
- 9940 Advanced Robotics
- 9977 Computational Fluid Dynamics
19.12.3 Other Courses
- 9022 Marine Geotechnical Engineering
- 9052 Ice Properties and Mechanics
- 9080-9099 (excluding 9096) Special Topics in Ocean Engineering
- 9096 Marine and Offshore Ice Engineering
- 9111 Well Testing
- 9112 Multiphase Flow
- 9116 Reliability Engineering
- 9117 Offshore Petroleum Geology and Technology
- 9119 Compact Process Equipment Design
- 9120 Advanced Natural Gas Engineering
- 9150-59 Special Topics in Oil and Gas Engineering
- 9200 Industrial Internship
- 9210 Advanced Engineering Materials
- 9390-9394 Special Topics in Engineering Management
- 9440 Optimization Principles in Engineering
- 9495-9499 (excluding 9496) Special Topics in Engineering Analysis
- 9540-9549 Special Topics in Mechanics, Structures and Materials
- 9560 Applied Remote Sensing
- 9601 Environmental Pollution and Mitigation (cross-listed as Environmental Science 6004)
- 9603 Environmental Sampling and Pollutant Analysis (cross-listed as Environmental Science 6005)
- 9605 Water and Wastewater Treatment
- 9610-9615 Special Topics in Environmental Engineering and Applied Science
- 9621 Soil Remediation Engineering
- 9622 Environmental Statistics
- 9625 Environmental Impacts of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations
- 9626 Environmental Management System
- 9628 Environmental Laboratory
- 9629 Environmental Policy and Regulations
- 9630 Pollution Prevention
- 9713 Stochastic Hydrology
- 9740 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
- 9750 Advanced Topics in Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete (formerly 9701)
- 9755 Advanced Topics in Precast and Prestressed Concrete (formerly 9702)
- 9760-9764 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering
- 9790 Subsea Pipeline Engineering
- 9791-9799 Special Topics in Civil Engineering
- 9802-9805 (excluding 9804) Special Topics in Computer Engineering
- 9804 Industrial Machine Vision
- 9806-9809 Special Topics in Communications Engineering
- 9823 Computer Security
- 9825 Random Signals (formerly 9830)
- 9835 Advanced Electric Machines
- 9841 Thermal Power Plants
- 9843 Solar Engineering
- 9845 Energy Storage
- 9850-9853 Special Topics in Power Systems and Controls
- 9862 Power System Protection
- 9863 Grid Integration of Energy Systems
- 9868 ASIC Design
- 9869 Advanced Concurrent Programming
- 9872 Digital Communications
- 9875 Embedded and Real-Time Systems Design
- 9877 Cryptography
- 9878 Wireless and Mobile Communications
- 9880-9883 Special Topics in Computer Engineering
- 9884-9887 Special Topics in Signal Processing
- 9888-9891 Special Topics in Communications Engineering
- 9892-9895 Special Topics in Power Systems and Controls
- 9896 Renewable Energy Systems
- 9897-9899 Special Topics in Applied Electromagnetics
- 9910 Advanced Manufacturing
- 9920 Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Design
- 9925 Theory and Design of Mechanical Components and Structures
- 9971 Nonlinear and Random Vibrations Analysis
- 9975-9999 (excluding 9977 and 9979) Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- 9979 Fluid Structure Interactions
- 9985 Advanced Heat Transfer
- 9987 Interfacial and Phase Change Phenomena
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