4.3 Library
Small branch, big collection! The Ferriss Hodgett Library is one of five libraries that make up the Memorial University of Newfoundland Libraries system. It provides local personalized service and a core collection of over 120,000 books, 200 print journal subscriptions, and other materials, combined with access to a much larger collection of print and online resources. Over 1,000,000 books and articles can be requested from the St. John's campus, and if it's not available through Memorial University of Newfoundland, can be obtained from other libraries worldwide.
Everyone is always welcome in the Library, but for those who like to research after hours or from the comfort of dorms or homes, remote access to the Library catalogue, over 20,000 e-books, 200 article databases, and 26,000 e-journals is available 24/7, making library research easier than ever. The Library also provides equipment loans to support emerging research needs such as eBook readers, digital voice recorders, portable DVD players, and more.
The Library has an Information Commons, with computers providing access to the Library's online resources (like e-journals and e-books), Internet, email, MS Office, and other software. Students can bring their laptops into the Library and access all online services using the campus wireless network. There are a variety of study spaces, from group study rooms to individual study carrels and laptop chairs.
A full range of public services are offered including research assistance, tours, library instruction classes, and support for copyright enquiries.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.