32.5 Biochemistry
The Degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) is offered in Biochemistry or Food Science to full-time and part-time students.
32.5.1 Admission
The admission requirements for the graduate programs in Biochemistry and Food Science are as given under Regulations Governing Master of Science Degrees.
32.5.2 Program of Study
The program of a student for the M.Sc. Degree shall be the responsibility of the supervisory committee, composed of the Supervisor and at least two other faculty members recommended with the concurrence of the Supervisor by the Head of the Department or delegate.
All students must enrol in Biochemistry 6999 (Seminars in Biochemistry and Food Science) for the equivalent of 4 semesters during the fall and winter semesters, and must complete Biochemistry 7000 (Graduate Skills) plus a minimum of 6 credit hours of graduate courses with a minimum 'B' grade. Depending on the background and/or area of specialization, a student's program may include additional courses taken for credit in Biochemistry, Food Science, or related subjects.
A supervisory committee report, prepared within the first 6 months after admission followed by at least annually, by the Supervisor and signed by all members of the supervisory committee, is required to be given to the Head of the Department or delegate.
Master of Science students are required to complete a M.Sc. oral defence of their thesis research. The defence will be examined by the Supervisory Committee (at least three voting members) and chaired by the non-voting Deputy Head (Graduate), or delegate. The defence and first round of questions will be open to the public; the second round of questions will be in camera. Outcomes of the defence will be:
“Proceed" - proceed to submission of thesis to the School of Graduate Studies for examination; or
“Revisions needed" - the supervisory committee will make specific recommendations for the revisions needed to the written thesis prior to submission of the thesis to the School of Graduate Studies while following the General Regulations, Supervisory Reports.
The M.Sc. Degree program will conclude with a thesis examination as prescribed in the Regulations Governing the Degree of Master of Science.
32.5.3 Courses
A series of advanced courses in the areas outlined below will be offered. Other than Biochemistry 6999 and Biochemistry 7000, normally only one course will be offered per semester.
- 6000 Advanced Topics in Lipid and Lipoprotein Metabolism
- 6001-6009 Special Topics in Biochemistry
- 6010-6019 Special Topics in Nutrition and Metabolism
- 6020-6029 Special Topics in Food Science
- 6400 Control of Intermediary Metabolism
- 6460 Structural Biochemistry
- 6520 Nutritional Biochemistry
- 6530 Food Biochemistry
- 6590 Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology
- 6630 Marine Biochemistry
- 6680 Processing and Quality of Foods
- 6999 Seminars in Biochemistry and Food Science
- 7000 Graduate Skills
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