26.4 Graduate Diploma in Marine Studies (Fisheries Resource Management)

The Graduate Diploma in Marine Studies (Fisheries Resource Management) provides an opportunity for fisheries professionals to enhance their perspective on fishery issues from a variety of disciplines.

26.4.1 Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the Graduate Diploma in Marine Studies (Fisheries Resource Management), a student must be eligible to register in the Master of Marine Studies program (see Master of Marine Studies (Fisheries Resource Management), Admission Requirements).

26.4.2 Program of Study

The program is offered online and requires successful completion of 18 credit hours of course work:

  1. 5 courses (15 credit hours) from Core Courses; and

  2. 1 elective course (3 credit hours) from either Category A or Category B Electives.

26.4.3 Evaluation

Students for the Graduate Diploma in Marine Studies (Fisheries Resource Management) must obtain a grade of 'B' or better in all program courses.

26.4.4 Courses

Courses required for the Graduate Diploma in Marine Studies (Fisheries Resource Management) must be selected from the Courses section outlined under the Master of Marine Studies (Fisheries Resource Management) program.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.