6.6 Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Music
The Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Music is a five-year program offered jointly with the Faculty of Business Administration and the School of Music. Students choose from one of the following majors for the Bachelor of Music degree: General Music Studies (154 credit hours), Composition (157 credit hours), or Performance (164 credit hours).
A student concurrently completing the Joint Degrees program will be permitted to make the adjustments to the Bachelor of Commerce program as outlined in Program of Study for the Bachelor of Commerce Component of the Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Music below. These adjustments to the normal curriculum will only be permitted for students who are graduating with the Bachelor of Commerce degree and the Bachelor of Music degree at the same convocation.
A student must meet the Continuance Regulations for the Bachelor of Commerce program and the Academic Standards and Continuance Regulations in the Bachelor of Music. A student who fails to meet Continuance Regulations are advised to seek academic advice from the appropriate academic unit.
Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses are regulated by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Eligible CRW courses are indicated under Memorial University of Newfoundland Critical Reading and Writing (CRW).
Careful planning of courses is crucial to ensure timely completion of the Joint Degrees of Bachelor Commerce and Bachelor of Music. Therefore, a student is strongly encouraged to consult regularly with academic advisors in the Faculty of Business Administration and the School of Music.
For program requirements for the Major in General Music Studies see School of Music, Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Music with a Major in General Music Studies and Bachelor of Commerce. For program requirements for the Major in Composition see School of Music, Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Music with a Major in Composition and Bachelor of Commerce. For program requirements for the Major in Performance see School of Music, Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Music with a Major in Performance and Bachelor of Commerce.
Business One Requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce Component | Required Courses for the Bachelor of Commerce Component | Bachelor of Music Major Component |
Business One (30 credit hours). Students completing the Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Music must have an average of at least 65% on the 30 credit hours that comprise Business One at the time they complete those 30 credit hours. |
Required Business One Courses BUSI 1000 Economics 1010, Economics 1020 6 credit hours in English, 3 credit hours of which may be replaced by any Memorial University of Newfoundland Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) course Mathematics 1000 or Mathematics 1005 (see note 2) 12 additional credit hours as determined by the Music Major
Required Business And Other Courses BUSI 200W, 400W, 500W, 2011, 2012, 2111, 2112, 2205, 2600, 2720, 3005, 3210, 3310, 3325, 3335, 3401, 3550, 3700, 4306, 4720, 5002 Statistics 2500 |
Students must complete one of three Major programs below in the course sequencing as outlined for the chosen Major program.
Major in General Music Studies For program requirements for the Major in General Music Studies see School of Music, Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Music with a Major in General Music Studies and Bachelor of Commerce.
Major in Composition For program requirements for the Major in Composition see School of Music, Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Music with a Major in Composition and Bachelor of Commerce.
Major in Performance For program requirements for the Major in Performance see School of Music, Joint Degrees of Bachelor of Music with a Major in Performance and Bachelor of Commerce. The student must meet the Continuance Regulations for the Bachelor of Commerce program and the Academic Standards and Continuance Regulations in the Bachelor of Music. |
Careful planning of courses is crucial to ensure timely completion of the Joint Degrees of Bachelor Commerce and Bachelor of Music. A student is strongly encouraged to consult regularly with academic advisors in the Faculty of Business Administration and the School of Music. |
- A student must graduate with the Bachelor of Commerce degree and the Bachelor of Music degree at the same convocation.
- Mathematics 1005 is a calculus course intended for business students and is not intended for those planning on taking further calculus courses. Business students who plan to take further calculus courses should complete Mathematics 1000 instead of Mathematics 1005.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.