Getting Ready

MUN Safe is an app that lets MUN University students, staff, faculty and visitors quickly access campus resources 24/7 such as emergency push notifications, emergency procedures, incident reporting and more. The MUN Safe app is your direct line to a safer Memorial University.


Move in days are are typically the Sunday and Monday prior to the first day of classes. A list of items to bring to residence as well as other important information will be sent to your email that you used to apply to housing. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your on-campus accommodations, please call the housing office at 709-637-6266.

Yes. Orientation is listed as ORTN 1000 within the course selections found on Memorial Self Service (we strongly encourage new students to attend orientation). It's not only a great way to get all the information you need to start your university life, it will help you make real connections with your classmates.


Nearing the end of August, you will be able to find a list of the books you will need for your courses here (link to come).


You can get your student ID card at the Grenfell's Ferriss Hodgett Library; your ID card will double as a library card as well.

  • On Memorial Self Service by Visa or MasterCard
  • Through online banking by adding Memorial University as a bill payment with your student number being your account number
  • At the Bursar's Office on campus by cash, cheque, money order or debit (but we recommend the first two options to avoid long line-ups!)

Note: You can pay your fees any time after you register for your courses but full payment is due by the first day of classes. Fees not paid by the first day of classes will be assessed as late fees. To view your account balance, log in to Memorial Self Service and click "Financial Information."

You may change your schedule through Memorial Self Service after your initial registration as long as you keep within the appropriate add/drop deadlines, which are listed in the MUN Calendar. Please keep in mind that you should always consult an academic advisor before making changes to your courses.

All Grenfell students are required to have adequate health and dental coverage and are automatically enrolled in both Grenfell Campus Student Union Heath and Dental Plans. Students with alternative health and dental coverage may opt-out of GCSU Health and or Dental Plans by completing the opt-out form here. Online opt-out applications must be submitted no later than two weeks from the first day of classes. For more information visit

Check your @mun email during the last week of August to find out who your advisor is. All new students will be assigned an advisor and scheduled for an advising meeting during the morning of Sept.4. Your advisor will impart critical details to you, so please make every effort to attend.

Prior to the start of laboratory classes, students who plan on doing any lab science course will need to successfully complete Science 1807 (Safety in the Science Laboratory). Science 1807 is offered online through Brightspace and takes about 2 hours to complete. Students should first register for all their courses including Science 1807 through Memorial Self-Service. Students access the course online through Brightspace using their login ID. Any questions can be directed to

Integrity 100A/B is a required non-credit course which must be completed in your first semester of studies here at Memorial.

The course is divided into two parts: Integrity 100A and Integrity 100B. As a first-year student, you will automatically be registered for the course and it will be available in your list of courses in Brightspace. You can access the course using your login. You will be able to access Integrity 100A as soon as you register for courses. Integrity 100B will be available in the Fall Term. You will have to successfully complete Integrity 100A before you have access to Integrity 100B.  You must complete Integrity 100A/B to be assigned a registration time for the January semester.

If you are a student requiring support related to campus accessibility or access to accommodations for students with disabilities, please contact Accessibility Center & Education Support by contacting Brad Elliott at 709-639-2589.

Yes. You can purchase an optional campus dining hall meal plan online. For more information on food services visit or contact Kirk Wiseman at 709-637-7184.

Yes. Visit the international student page for information particular to studying in Canada.