Certificate in Food Studies

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The certificate in food studies is designed for those who are interested in studying food across various disciplines.

Courses that are part of this program focus on a range of topics, exploring key issues related to food at a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from nutrition, health and disease to variation in forms of food production, distribution, and consumption, and the use of intoxicating comestibles.

Studying food is about distinct cuisines and the ways in which food binds people together as well as the links between food and labour, environmental impacts and dispossession, food insecurity, and food sovereignty.

If you have questions about the ethics of differential food access or the impact of food production on human workers, other-than-human beings, or the environment or how certain foodways affect your current culinary traditions and your health, this is the certificate for you.

Some of the Food Studies courses are offered online, including SOCI 2290, Animals and Society and HUBI 2002/HKR 2600 (formerly BIOC/HKR 2600), Introduction to Human Nutrition.

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Regulations for the Certificate in Food Studies

The Certificate in Food Studies consists of 21 credit hours as prescribed below:

  1. 9 credit hours chosen from Anthropology 2415, Folklore 3830, Geography 3420, Law and Public Policy 3260 or Political Science 3260; and

  2. 12 additional credit hours chosen from Table 1 Approved Courses for the Certificate in Food Studies.

In accordance with Certificate Programs, Components, a minimum of 12 credit hours in the Certificate in Food Studies must be must be comprised of courses listed in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Course Descriptions.

Table 1 Approved Courses for the Certificate in Food Studies

Core Courses

Other Humanities and Social Sciences Courses

Other Approved Courses

  • Anthropology 2415
  • Folklore 3830
  • Geography 3420
  • Law and Public Policy 3260 or Political Science 3260
  • Human Biosciences 2002
  • Human Kinetics and Recreation 2600
  • Biology 2041

Eligible 4000-level credit hours may be substituted following the process outlined in General Regulations for Certificate Programs.

Not all courses are offered every semester. Students are strongly advised to consult with the Program Director for assistance with course planning.